news | Sunday March 31, 2024
Hold onto your hats, folks, the aptly-titled You’re Gonna Love This by Dina Del Bucchia has landed! You’re Gonna Love This tracks the narrator’s entwined relationships with her spouse, her television, and herself. Displaying Del Bucchia’s trademark nuanced media literacy, this distinctly working-class long poem unravels how media culture’s around-the-clock presence impacts our connection to the world. Recapping episodes in her experience of caregiving, she also addresses her own mental-health journey with dark humour, wry cultural references, and a flair for making the deeply personal especially relatable.
An excerpt from You’re Gonna Love This:
“You can call it nostalgia but it’s not,
really, not every time. Every rerun is not exploratory
fodder for your therapist. Not that
I would know. I’ve never been to therapy.
I rewatch TV instead. It’s therapeutic.”
Order your copy here!