Front Cover
A Record of Writing
By Roy Miki

Winner 1990 Gabrielle Roy Prize, Best Critical Book in English (Winner, 1990)

Canada’s first poet laureate George Bowering is one of the best known writers and literary personalities in the nation. Poet, novelist, essayist, historian, critic and teacher, he is a prolific, irrepressible writer whose works have been published and produced in an extraordinary variety of forms. A Record of Writing traces…

ISBN: 9780889222632
Pub. Date: January 1 1990
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1.3125"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
ABC of Reading TRG
By Peter Jaeger
Edited by Frank Davey

ABC of Reading TRG examines the writings of Steve McCaffery and bpNichol, with a special focus on their collaborative work as the Toronto Research Group (TRG). The book expands what little criticism there is on the Group’s collaborations by exploring their engagements with literary theory, by differentiating between each writer’s…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224230
Pub. Date: January 1 1999
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
After Completion
By Charles Olson
With Frances Boldereff
Edited by Sharon Thesen

Charles Olson had many correspondents over the years, but Frances Boldereff, a book designer and typographer, Joyce scholar, and single working mother, embodied a dynamic complexity of interlocutor, muse, Sybil, lover, critic, and amanuensis.After Completion: The Later Letters of Charles Olson and Frances Boldereff follows on from an earlier edition,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889227064
Pub. Date: September 15 2012
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.8125"
Non-Fiction / LCO015000

Front Cover
All Things Become Alive by the Touch of the Parabola: Wolfgang Paalen’s Northwest Passage
By Colin Browne

All Things Become Alive by the Touch of the Parabola is the first full account of the journey by surrealist artist Wolfgang Paalen and poet Alice Rahon down the Northwest Coast. It weaves together travelogue, biography, Northwest Coast Indigenous cultures, art histories, anthropology, and an account of museum collecting during the nineteenth and twentieth ce

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772014082
Pub. Date: September 4 2026
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.6875"
Non-Fiction / HIS028000

Front Cover
Almost Islands
By Stephen Collis

Almost Islands is a powerfully introspective memoir of the author’s friendship with legendary Canadian poet Phyllis Webb – now in her nineties and long enveloped in silence – and his regular trips to see her. It is an extended meditation on literary ambition and failure, poetry and politics, choice and…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012071
Pub. Date: September 6 2018
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.875"
Non-Fiction / BIO001000

Front Cover
American Notebooks
By Marie-Claire Blais
Translated by Linda Gaboriau

It is the spring of 1963. The young Quebec author Marie-Claire Blais, bursting with energy and talent, has just won a coveted Guggenheim fellowship. She chooses Cambridge, Massachusetts, as the place where she will begin her writer’s apprenticeship with her mentor, Edmund Wilson.American Notebooks is much more than a fascinating…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223585
Pub. Date: September 15 1996
Dimensions: 7.9375" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / BIO022000

Front Cover
An Error in Judgement
By Dara Culhane

On January 22, 1979, an eleven-year-old Native girl died of a ruptured appendix in an Alert Bay, B.C. hospital. The events that followed are chronicled here by Dara Culhane Speck, a member by marriage of the Nimpkish Indian Band in Alert Bay. She has relied mainly on interviews, anecdotes and…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222465
Pub. Date: January 1 1987
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / POL064000

Front Cover
Edited by Ian Angus

This volume is a collection of thirty-eight pieces unified by a combination of the playful, primitive aesthetic of literary modernism with the anti-authoritarian, anarchist praxis of radical democratic politics. This bipolar sensibility permeates the work of Jerry Zaslove, to whom the book is dedicated.Yet even if this sensibility pervades the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224575
Pub. Date: September 15 2001
Dimensions: 9.75" x 7" x 0.8125"
Non-Fiction / LIT006000

Front Cover
Anatolia Junction
By Fred A. Reed

This book stands at the point where actuality and legend converge in a land as old as time. From it extends an arid landscape upon which are inscribed the stories of peoples, civilizations, ideas that enslave and beliefs that liberate. Anatolia Junction weaves together three narratives: that of Fred A.…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224261
Pub. Date: January 1 1999
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.6875"
Non-Fiction / HIS065000

Front Cover
Annihilated Time
By Jeff Derksen

Reading against the grain of global ideological flows, Derksen demonstrates how borders, identities, national literatures, urban territories, built space and the spaces of culture and politics have not simply been eroded by globalization, but how the traditional identity-determined scales of culture are being re-imagined as contested spaces for dynamic communities…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226128
Pub. Date: January 5 2009
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / LIT014000

Front Cover
As Always
By Madeleine Gagnon
Translated by Phyllis Aronoff & Howard Scott

Short-listed 2015 Cole Foundation Prize for Translation (Quebec Writers' Federation Awards

One of Canada’s greatest literary figures reflects on life at the centre of Quebec literary arts. Re-examining the influences of her early life in a large, rural Catholic family, Madeleine Gagnon not only explores her rejection of unexamined values as part of her intellectual development but also her refusal to…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889228962
Pub. Date: May 15 2015
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.875"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
Bambi and Me
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by Sheila Fischman

Winner 1998 Governor General’s Literary Award for Translation

Bambi and Me consists of 12 autobiographical pieces about how movies shaped the young life of Michel Tremblay, one of their biggest fans. Among others, he talks about Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Parade of the Wooden Soldiers, Orphée and the Night…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223806
Pub. Date: January 1 1997
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / BIO026000

Front Cover
Baseball Love
By George Bowering

Having written books in practically every genre, George Bowering is often introduced as someone who adores baseball, yet ironically he did not begin this book about the game until he was appointed Canada’s first Poet Laureate for 2002–04. This picaresque memoir of a road trip with his fiancée through the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225299
Pub. Date: April 1 2006
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
Beating the Bushes
By Steven Bush

Steven Bush is a man on a mission—to confront the skeletons in his family closet. Did his very own cousins rule a country that, even today, after electing its ?rst African American president, still seems bent on world domination? What can he, a distant relation of the “Bushes” (so the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226470
Pub. Date: October 1 2010
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / ART015020

Front Cover
Beyond Recall
By Mary Meigs
Edited by Lise Weil

Short-listed 2006 Lambda Literary Award

An exquisite painter, intellectual, social activist and articulate lesbian feminist, Mary Meigs did not begin her writing career until age sixty. While her books are grounded in the particulars of her personal relationships, they are difficult to categorize. So luminous are they with her painter’s recognition of the dance of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225053
Pub. Date: October 1 2005
Dimensions: 9.75" x 6.75" x 0.375"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
Birth of a Bookworm
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by Sheila Fischman

In Birth of a Bookworm, Michel Tremblay takes the reader on a tour of the books that have had a formative influence on the birth and early development of his creative imagination. Included are his readings of and reactions to some of the great classics of world literature by such…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224766
Pub. Date: March 15 2003
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
Bonbons Assortis / Assorted Candies
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by Linda Gaboriau

Short-listed 2006 Governor General’s Literary Award for Translation

Bonbons Assortis / Assorted Candies is Michel Tremblay’s fourth (and he says last) book of autobiographical narratives inspired by his childhood and youth. Like the previous three volumes, which celebrate the books, plays and films that shaped his imagination and writing life, this collection of eight delightful stories takes us…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225411
Pub. Date: September 1 2006
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.375"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
By Stephen Scobie

Scobie illuminates bpNichol’s relationship to Dadaism, contemporary French literary theory, and the writing of Gertrude Stein, and argues strongly for Nichol’s importance as a writer of fiction.Other titles in The New Canadian Criticism Series: ABC of Reading TRG Timothy Findley and the Aesthetics of Fascism Michael Ondaatje: Word, Image, Imagination…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222205
Pub. Date: January 1 1984
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
bpNichol Comics
By bp Nichol
Edited by Carl Peters

The scope, innovation and depth (down to the heart) of bpNichol’s writing makes him one of the most important writers in English of the 20th century. He is widely known for his research into genres as diverse as the lyric, the long poem, sound poetry, concrete poetry, critical theory and…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224483
Pub. Date: January 1 1984
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
Building the West
Edited by Donald Luxton

Winner 2004 Winner of the 2004 BC Book Prize: Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize

Winner 2004 City of Vancouver Heritage Award

Printed in two colours throughout and richly illustrated with over 600 photographs and duotones of these architects’ most important works, Building the West tells the stories, discovers the hopes and aspirations, and celebrates the successes and accomplishments of the early architects of British Columbia as it illustrates their lives and…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225541
Pub. Date: November 15 2007
Dimensions: 11" x 8" x 1"
Non-Fiction / BIO001000

Front Cover
Canada: A New Tax Haven
By Alain Deneault
Translated by Catherine Browne

In Canada: A New Tax Haven, Alain Deneault traces Canada’s relationship with Britain’s Caribbean colonies back through the last half of the twentieth century, arguing that the involvement of Canadian financiers in establishing and maintaining Caribbean tax havens has predisposed Canada to become a tax haven itself – a metamorphosis…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889228368
Pub. Date: July 25 2015
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 1"
Non-Fiction / BUS011000

Front Cover
Canadian Drama and the Critics
Edited by L. W. Conolly

The editor of this lively, updated assortment of reviews, interviews and other critical deliberations on contemporary Canadian drama has gathered material from books, theatre and scholarly journals; from major daily newspapers in Canada and abroad; from critics, academics, journalists and playwrights. This new expanded and updated edition of Canadian Drama…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223592
Pub. Date: January 1 1995
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
Capital Tales
By Brian Fawcett

The survivors and victims inhabiting the pages of Capital Tales dash forever the romantic myth that our peerless captains of industry are guiding us through the mists of progress to a shining land of prosperity. Tough, uncompromising portraits of people discovering the illusions they live by, the stories culminate in…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222212
Pub. Date: January 1 1984
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / LIT025030

Front Cover
By Oana Avasilichioaei

Chambersonic imagines the book as an acoustic chamber. This collection of poems, essays, performance scores, and audio recordings comes alive with documents, rehearsals, and reverberations, all populated by an ensemble of players, instruments, and materials that make sound together. A conductor fades in and out; the audience acts as choreographer;…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016260
Pub. Date: October 16 2024
Dimensions: 8" x 6.5" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / MUS000000

Front Cover
Charles Olson at the Harbor
By Ralph Maud

Charles Olson was quite possibly the greatest, and without question the most influential, of the “New American Poets” published by Grove Press in the mid-twentieth century.Synthesizing the experimental avant-garde of Black Mountain College with the uncompromising existentialism of the Beat generation, the new structuralism of the San Francisco Renaissance and…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225763
Pub. Date: July 1 2008
Dimensions: 9" x 5.9375" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
Circumstances Alter Photographs
By Michael Barnholden

On Friday, April 24, 1885, Captain James Peters took the world’s first battlefield photographs under fire at the battle of Fish Creek in the Canadian Northwest Territory of Saskatchewan. As Captain of the Royal Canadian Artillery’s “A” Battery—part of the North West Field Force—he subsequently managed to expose over seventy…

ISBN: 9780889226210
Pub. Date: November 16 2009
Dimensions: 10" x 8.25" x 0.875"
Non-Fiction / PHO015000

Front Cover
Coast Salish Essays
By Wayne Suttles

Wayne Suttles has devoted much of his professional life to research on the cultures of the Native peoples of the Pacific Northwest, especially the Coast Salish of the Georgia Strait-Puget Sound Basin. Born and raised in this region, he has been guided by a life-long love of its natural environment…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222120
Pub. Date: January 1 1987
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / SOC002010

Front Cover
Cold Comfort
By Gil McElroy

When his father died, award-winning poet and curator Gil McElroy was given a box of photographs that documented his father’s military career. Beginning in the Second World War and continuing right through to the end of the Cold War, the senior McElroy staffed Canada’s network of electronic defence, including the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226845
Pub. Date: May 15 2012
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5625"
Non-Fiction / BIO008000

Front Cover
Consecrated Ground 2nd Edition
By George Boyd

In 1965, Africville, the largest and oldest black community in Canada was bulldozed into memory. What was lost to the politicians of Halifax was an inconvenience, an eyesore. But what was lost to the people whose roots ran deep through the once-vibrant community was an entire way of life. The…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226661
Pub. Date: January 15 2011
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.25"
Non-Fiction / HIS006040

Front Cover
Conversations in Tehran
By Jean-Daniel Lafond & Fred A. Reed

In early 2004, filmmaker Jean-Daniel Lafond (Salam Iran, a Persian Letter) and author Fred A. Reed (Persian Postcards: Iran after Khomeini) returned to Iran after a two-year absence—on the eve of the parliamentary elections that were to seal the political defeat of the Reform movement. They had come to interview…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225503
Pub. Date: September 1 2006
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / POL012000

Front Cover
Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954 Hardcover
By August Jack Khahtsahlano & J.S. Matthews

Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954 contains twenty-two years of conversations between Sḵwx̱uwú7mesh Chief X̱ats’alanexw, a.k.a. Chief August Jack Khahtsahlano, and Major J.S. Matthews. Originally published in 1955 by the Vancouver City Archives, Conversations with Khahtsahlano received a limited publication and is reproduced here in facsimile. Chief X̱ats’alanexw’s reminiscences travel as far…

ISBN: 9781772014914
Pub. Date: November 3 2022
Dimensions: 8.4375" x 5.8125" x 1.25"
Non-Fiction / LCO013000

Front Cover
Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954
By August Jack Khahtsahlano & J.S. Matthews

Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954 contains twenty-two years of conversations between Sḵwx̱uwú7mesh Chief X̱ats’alanexw, a.k.a. Chief August Jack Khahtsahlano, and Major J.S. Matthews. Originally published in 1955 by the Vancouver City Archives, Conversations with Khahtsahlano received a limited publication and is reproduced here in facsimile. Chief X̱ats’alanexw’s reminiscences travel as far…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772014907
Pub. Date: September 13 2022
Dimensions: 8.0625" x 5.5" x 1.1875"
Non-Fiction / LCO013000

Front Cover
Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954 (New Format)
By August Jack Khahtsahlano & J.S. Matthews

Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954 contains twenty-two years of conversations between Sḵwx̱uwú7mesh Chief X̱ats’alanexw, a.k.a. Chief August Jack Khahtsahlano, and Major J.S. Matthews. Originally published in 1955 by the Vancouver City Archives, Conversations with Khahtsahlano received a limited publication and is reproduced here in facsimile. Chief X̱ats’alanexw’s reminiscences travel as far…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016994
Pub. Date: December 2 2025
Dimensions: 8.0625" x 5.5" x 1.1875"
Non-Fiction / LCO013000

Front Cover
By Michael Nardone

Convivialities is a collection of dialogues with contemporary writers and artists conducted over great distances and extended periods of time. These conversations – with Dana Michel, Joshua Clover and Jasper Bernes, Shanzhai Lyric, Cecily Nicholson, Raven Chacon, Divya Victor, Carlos Soto Román, Tanya Lukin Linklater, Gail Scott, Kevin Davies, The…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016468
Pub. Date: April 22 2025
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / LIT014000

Front Cover
Crimes and Mercies
By James Bacque

More than 9 million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after World War II—one quarter of the country was annexed, and about 15 million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known. Over 2 million of these alone,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225671
Pub. Date: September 15 2007
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.9375"
Non-Fiction / HIS027100

Front Cover
Dispatches from the Occupation
By Stephen Collis

Somewhere at the core of almost every intellectual discipline is an attempt to explain change – why and how things change, and how we negotiate these transformations. These are among the most ancient of philosophical questions. In this collection of essays, award-winning poet Stephen Collis investigates how the Occupy movement…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226951
Pub. Date: August 15 2012
Dimensions: 8" x 5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / POL007000

Front Cover
Empire of Desire
By Thierry Hentsch
Translated by Fred A. Reed

Short-listed 2009 Governor General’s Literary Award for Translation

Empire of Desire, the second volume of Thierry Hentsch’s epic survey of the formative texts of the Western narrative tradition, completes the work he began in the first: Truth or Death. It traces western civilization’s quest for immortality across a further four centuries—from Molière to Proust, by way of Voltaire…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225879
Pub. Date: September 1 2008
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / LIT007000

Front Cover
Entering Time
By Colin Browne

During the groundbreaking Charles Edenshaw exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery in 2013, poet Colin Browne found himself returning often to study three large argillite platters carved by the Haida master in the late 1800s. Produced several years apart, each depicts an identical scene at the same moment: two frightened…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772010398
Pub. Date: January 2 2017
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / SOC008040

Front Cover
Essays on George F. Walker
By Chris Johnson

From his plundering of elements from B-movies and melodrama in early plays like Zastrozzi and Beyond Mozambique to the uneasy satire and the class politics of the East End and the Power plays, and now most recently in the shape of “Suburban Motel,” a cycle of six new plays, George…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780921368823
Pub. Date: January 1 1999
Dimensions: 8" x 5" x 0.8125"
Non-Fiction / LIT013000

Front Cover
By Patrick Caux & Bernard Gilbert
Translated by Neil Kroetsch

In 1993 when Robert Lepage suggested to his colleagues that a specific identity and image be found for his next working group, he imposed one condition. The word “theatre” was not to be part of the name of the new company. This gorgeous full-colour book documents the results of that…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226173
Pub. Date: September 15 2009
Dimensions: 10" x 8" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / PER011000

Front Cover
Finding Mr. Wong
By Susan Crean

Susan Crean’s memoir Finding Mr. Wong chronicles her effort to piece together the life of the man she knew as Mr. Wong, cook and housekeeper to her Irish Canadian family for two generations. Reminiscing, Crean writes, “I grew up in Mr. Wong’s kitchen …”A Chinese Head Tax payer hired by…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772011944
Pub. Date: June 15 2018
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / SOC031000

Front Cover
For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by Linda Gaboriau

Winner 2000 Dora Mavor Moore Award General Theatre: Outstanding New Play

For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again is Tremblay’s homage to his mother, who nurtured his imagination, his reclusive reading habits and his love for the theatre and the arts, yet who did not live to witness the performance of Les Belles Soeurs—the first successful play written in joual with…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223899
Pub. Date: January 1 1998
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.25"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
Forever Yours, Marie-Lou
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by John Van Burek & Bill Glassco

This second revised edition of Forever Yours, Marie-Lou, which played at the 1990 Stratford Festival, is John Van Burek and Bill Glassco’s new translation of Michel Tremblay’s original French text.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223493
Pub. Date: January 1 1994
Dimensions: 8.25" x 5.25" x 0.25"
Non-Fiction / FAM041000

Front Cover
From Oral to Written
By Tomson Highway
Edited by Jordan Abel

Aboriginal Canadians tell their own stories, about their own people, in their own voice, from their own perspective.If as recently as forty years ago there was no recognizable body of work by Canadian writers, as recently as thirty years ago there was no Native literature in this country. Perhaps a…

ISBN: 9781772011883
Pub. Date: August 15 2017
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1.375"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
From Oral to Written
By Tomson Highway
Edited by Jordan Abel

Aboriginal Canadians tell their own stories, about their own people, in their own voice, from their own perspective.If as recently as forty years ago there was no recognizable body of work by Canadian writers, as recently as thirty years ago there was no Native literature in this country. Perhaps a…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772011166
Pub. Date: August 15 2017
Dimensions: 9" x 6.5" x 1"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
Gabriel Dumont Speaks 2nd Edition
By Gabriel Dumont
Translated by Michael Barnholden

In 1903, eighteen years after leading the Métis Army against the Northwest Expeditionary Force and the Northwest Mounted Police at Fish Creek, Duck Lake and Batoche, Louis Riel’s Adjutant General Gabriel Dumont dictated his memoirs to a group of friends, one of whom is thought to have written Dumont’s stories…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226258
Pub. Date: August 31 2009
Dimensions: 8.4375" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Non-Fiction / BIO006000

Front Cover
Gaman – Perseverance
By Art Miki

This revealing memoir by the former president of the National Association of Japanese Canadians describes the long journey towards resolution for the historic injustice that deprived Japanese Canadians of their basic human rights during and after World War II. Gaman – Perseverance details the intense negotiations that took place in…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772015416
Pub. Date: December 15 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / HIS027100

Front Cover
Great Lakes Suite
By David W. McFadden

Specially edited, updated, revised and rewritten by the author, and for the first time complete in one volume, Great Lakes Suite includes A Trip Around Lake Ontario, first published in 1988, as well as A Trip Around Lake Erie and A Trip Around Lake Huron, both of which were first…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223820
Pub. Date: January 1 1997
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
griddle talk
By Carol Malyon & bill bissett

For 52 weeks, bill bissett and Carol Malyon met for brunch and conversation at the Golden Griddle in Toronto.This sustained conversational encounter between Carol Malyon, who writes within the objective bounds of standard English usage, and bill bissett, one of contemporary writing’s most exotic practitioners, working with the visual forms…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226067
Pub. Date: June 1 2009
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
He Speaks Volumes
By Rebecca Wigod

This biography of George Bowering, first Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate, reveals the intimate, intellectual, and artistic life of one of Canada’s most prolific authors, offering an inside look at the people and events at the centre of the country’s literary and artistic avant-garde from the 1960s to the present.A distinguished…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012064
Pub. Date: November 13 2018
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.8125"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
How to Write
By Derek Beaulieu

Short-listed 2010 W.O. Mitchell Literary Prize

How to Write is a perverse Coles Notes: a paradigm of prosody where writing as sampling, borrowing, cutting-and-pasting and mash-up meets literature. This collection of conceptual short ?ction takes inspiration from Lautréamont’s decree that “plagiarism is necessary. It is implied in the idea of progress. It clasps the author’s sentence…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226296
Pub. Date: April 15 2010
Dimensions: 7" x 4.3125" x 0.25"
Non-Fiction / LAN005000

Front Cover
By Elaine Ávila

When forced to choose a topic for a mandatory high school project, Alex sarcastically says “hummingbirds” because one is hovering outside the window. Alex has no idea that this offhand choice will lead them to uncover hidden family histories in a mysterious journal from the 1860s, find an essential role…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016529
Pub. Date: April 29 2025
Dimensions: 8.25" x 5.8125" x 0.3125"
Non-Fiction / NAT011000

Front Cover
Imperial Canada Inc.
By Alain Deneault & William Sacher
Translated by Fred A. Reed

Imperial Canada Inc. sets out to ask a simple question: why is Canada home to more than 70% of the world’s mining companies?Created by the British North America Act of 1867, Canada, rather than turning away from its colonial past, actively embraced, appropriated, and perpetuated the imperial ambitions of its…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226357
Pub. Date: November 15 2010
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / BUS069020

Front Cover
In Plain Sight
Edited by Leslie Robertson & Dara Culhane

Short-listed 2005 City of Vancouver Book Award

Short-listed 2006 The George Ryga Award for Social Awareness in Literature

Short-listed 2005 City of Vancouver Book Award

News stories of the less fortunate, the socio-economically disenfranchised in North America are too often presented to fascinate or horrify their consumers with a construct of stereotypes which commodify and intentionally erase the real lives of people “covered” by the popular media.In compiling this collection of seven life stories from…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225138
Pub. Date: March 15 2005
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.375"
Non-Fiction / SOC021000

Front Cover
In the Company of Strangers
By Mary Meigs

Winner 1992 QSPELL Award Winner for Non-fiction

Mary Meigs is one of the eight women who portray themselves in the film The Company of Strangers, a “semi-documentary” National Film Board production, released in 1990 to overwhelming critical and popular acclaim. Meigs spent two years writing this extraordinary narrative, which begins as her story of being in the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222946
Pub. Date: January 1 1991
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / LIT025050

Front Cover
Indian Myths & Legends from the North Pacific Coast of America
By Franz Boas
Edited by Randy Bouchard & Dorothy Kennedy

Short-listed 2003 BC Book Prize: Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize

Franz Boas (1858-1942), geographer, linguist, physical anthropologist and ethnologist, is considered the father of modern North American anthropology. The 1895 German publication of Indianische Sagen von der Nord-Pacifischen Küste Amerikasgathered together in a single volume his earliest research in British Columbia, consisting of 250 B.C. First Nations myths and legends…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225534
Pub. Date: October 1 2006
Dimensions: 9.75" x 6.75" x 1.625"
Non-Fiction / SOC002010

Front Cover
By M.A.C. Farrant

Celebrated humorist and short-story writer M.A.C. Farrant’s new non-fiction work comprises ninety-three puzzle pieces that mimic the actual practice of assembling a jigsaw puzzle. By turns whimsical, insightful, meditative, funny, and factual, the “pieces” of Jigsaw touch on themes readers of the celebrated humorist and fiction writer M.A C. Farrant…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772015430
Pub. Date: October 17 2023
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.8125"
Non-Fiction / LCO019000

Front Cover
Justice in Our Time
By Roy Miki & Cassandra Kobayashi

From 1942 to 1949, a group of innocent Canadians were uprooted from their homes and businesses on the west coast, dispossessed, and forced to disperse across Canada, merely on the basis of their Japanese ancestry. Some 4,000 were even exiled to wartorn Japan.These injustices remained unresolved for nearly forty years.…

ISBN: 9780889222922
Pub. Date: January 1 1991
Dimensions: 11.25" x 9.25" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / POL004000

Front Cover
kiskisomitok ᑭᐢᑭᓱᒥᑐᐠ
By reuben quinn

In ᑭᐢᑭᓱᒥᑐᐠ kiskisomitok: ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐤ to remind each and one other, nêhiyaw educator ᑳᐯᓵᑳᐢᑌᐠ reuben quinn uses the spirit marker writing system as a foundation for teaching ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐁᐧᐃᐧᐣ nêhiyawewin. The spirit marker writing system holds forty-four spirit markers and fourteen minor spirit markers. Some people call that system the star chart. Each spirit marker hold

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016444
Pub. Date: May 13 2025
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / SOC062000

Front Cover
Kuei, My Friend
By Deni Ellis Béchard & Natasha Kanape Fontaine

Kuei, My Friend is an engaging book of letters: a literary and political encounter between Innu poet Natasha Kanapé Fontaine and Québécois-American novelist Deni Ellis Béchard. Choosing the epistolary form, they decided to engage together in a frank conversation about racism and reconciliation.Intentionally positioned within the contexts of the Idle…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772011951
Pub. Date: April 15 2018
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / LCO011000

Front Cover
By Ronald Cross & Hélène Sévigny

The events at Oka in 1990 saw the might of the Canadian Armed Forces in the service of the governments of both Quebec and Canada confront some 40 armed Mohawk “Warriors” who were defending their local community’s resistance against a further colonial encroachment on their native lands. The events of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223486
Pub. Date: January 1 1994
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / HIS006020

Front Cover
Les Belles Soeurs
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by John Van Burek & Bill Glassco

Germaine Lauzon has won a million trading stamps from a department store. Her head swimming with dreams of refurbishing and redecorating her working-class home from top to bottom with catalogue selections ranging from new kitchen appliances to “real Chinese paintings on velvet,” she invites fourteen of her friends and relatives…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223028
Pub. Date: January 1 1992
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.375"
Non-Fiction / HIS006090

Front Cover
Lha yudit’ih We Always Find a Way
By Lorraine Weir
With Chief Roger William

Commended 2024 Indigenous History Book Prize

Short-listed 2025 Jeanne Clarke Publication Award

Eight years in the making, Lha yudit’ih We Always Find a Way is a community oral history of Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia, the first case in Canada to result in a declaration of Aboriginal Rights and Title to a specific piece of land. Told from the perspective of the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772013825
Pub. Date: October 31 2023
Dimensions: 9.5" x 6.5" x 1.25"
Non-Fiction / BIO028000

Front Cover
Lily Briscoe
By Mary Meigs

Taking as her alter-ego Lily Briscoe–the painter in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse–Mary Meigs paints a portrait of herself, her family and her friends in Lily Briscoe: A Self-Portrait, a book that is both autobiography and memoir. In it, she describes the three major decisions of her life: "not to…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221956
Pub. Date: January 1 1981
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / BIO022000

Front Cover
Living by Stories
By Harry Robinson
Edited by Wendy Wickwire

Following on two previous collections— Write It on Your Heart: The Epic World of an Okanagan Storyteller (1989) and Nature Power: In the Spirit of an Okanagan Storyteller (2004)—Talonbooks is pleased to announce the release of this third volume of oral narratives by Okanagan storyteller Harry Robinson.Living by Stories includes…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225220
Pub. Date: September 15 2005
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / SOC002010

Front Cover
Making Theatre
By Sherrill Grace

Winner 2009 Ann Saddlemyer Award

In Making Theatre: A Life of Sharon Pollock, Sherrill Grace has written the story of Pollock’s life from her family roots in New Brunswick through her pioneering years as a Canadian playwright to the present as she continues to make theatre. It focuses attention on Pollock’s distinguished career as a…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225862
Pub. Date: June 1 2008
Dimensions: 9.75" x 6.75" x 1.125"
Non-Fiction / BIO005000

Front Cover
Margaret Atwood
By Frank Davey

Margaret Atwood’s writing, according to Davey, reveals not only an extraordinary facility with language, but also a deep mistrust of it as something shaped by an instrumental and largely male culture. Her language directs its readers to a hidden level of itself – unspoken, symbolic, gestural – and away from…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222175
Pub. Date: January 1 1984
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / LIT004290

Front Cover
By bp Nichol
Edited by Roy Miki

For bpNichol, who called himself a writer who writes about the act of writing,” criticism was not only a means to address his own poetics and the textual practices of his generation; it was just as essential to his imagination as were his poems themselves.Finally, after years of readers struggling…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224476
Pub. Date: September 15 2002
Dimensions: 9" x 6.6875" x 1.125"
Non-Fiction / LCO006000

Front Cover
By Anne-Marie Saint-Cerny
Translated by W. Donald Wilson

Lac-Mégantic, Québec, Canada – July 6, 2013. On a hot summer night, a driverless, out-of-control train descends the slope that leads to the scenic town below and explodes, pulverizing the downtown area and killing forty-seven unsuspecting victims. The devastation, which leaves the people of Lac-Mégantic dazed and in mourning, is…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012590
Pub. Date: August 26 2020
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 1"
Non-Fiction / HIS006020

Front Cover
By Adeena Karasick

Short-listed 1995 BC Book Prize: Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize

Merging autobiography, criticism, feminist theory and poetry in an economy of desire, Mêmewars puts a poetics of rupture, displacement, obsession and exile into praxis. This text writes against a sexist, imperialist discourse of mastery and idealization. It challenges the mythologies of cohesion, autonomy and stable identity—the capitalist vision of literary…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223448
Pub. Date: January 1 1994
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
By Charles Olson
Edited by Ralph Maud

Charles Olson’s insistence that the public value of any articulation is inseparable from the particulars of the time and place of its origins resulted in the proprioceptive methodology of his composition—in his speech and his writing, in both poetry and prose. Olson did not “lecture”—he “talked.” His encyclopedic knowledge of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226395
Pub. Date: October 31 2010
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1.1875"
Non-Fiction / LIT014000

Front Cover
My Favourite Crime
By Deni Ellis Béchard

A collection of essays that are at once personal and political, covering a variety of topics, ranging from the author's tumultuous relationship with his criminal father and the ways writing can help us transform our own understanding to long-form journalistic dispatches from around the globe.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012323
Pub. Date: September 15 2019
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / LCO010000

Front Cover
My Turquoise Years
By M.A.C. Farrant

**Twentieth anniversary edition of Farrant’s beloved memoir of coming of age with an absent mother in a vanished time**The setting is Vancouver Island, the year 1960. It is the era of the Three Stooges and the Red Menace, the apex of plastic, Arborite, and everything turquoise: high heels, pedal pushers,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016369
Pub. Date: October 10 2024
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5625"
Non-Fiction / LCO006000

Front Cover
Nature Power
By Harry Robinson
Edited by Wendy Wickwire

Winner 1993 BC Book Prize: Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize

Many of the stories in Harry Robinson’s second collection feature the shoo-MISH, or “nature helpers” that assist humans and sometimes provide them with special powers. Some tell of individuals who use these powers to heal themselves; others tell of Indian doctors who have been given the power to heal others.…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225046
Pub. Date: March 15 2004
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / SOC002010

Front Cover
By Drew Hayden Taylor

In this collection of short humourous essays originally written for the popular media, playwright, novelist and screenwriter Drew Hayden Taylor sends his readers fascinating and exotic postcards from his globetrotting adventures, always on the lookout for the NEWS about aboriginal peoples around the world. Organized around the thematics suggested by…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226432
Pub. Date: November 30 2010
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / TRV010000

Front Cover
No Plaster Saint
By Nancy Knickerbocker

Throughout her life, Mildred Osterhout Fahrni walked with J.S. Woodsworth, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. She heard Ghandi tell the British of his dream of a free India in 1931. When the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation was born in Regina in 1933, Fahrni was there. As a reporter she covered…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224520
Pub. Date: March 15 2001
Dimensions: 9" x 7.8125" x 5.0625"
Non-Fiction / BIO022000

Front Cover
One and Half of You
By Leanne Dunic

A work exploring sibling and romantic love, and the complexities of being a biracial person looking for completion in another

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012866
Pub. Date: March 15 2021
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.25"
Non-Fiction / SOC008000

Front Cover
One Good Thing
By M.A.C. Farrant

Written in sixty short epistolary chapters, award winning author M.A.C. Farrant’s latest offering represents a search for hope and appeasement in a rapidly changing and often perplexing society.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012842
Pub. Date: February 15 2021
Dimensions: 7.5" x 5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / LCO011000

Front Cover
Orwell in Cuba
By Frédérick Lavoie
Translated by Donald Winkler

Orwell in Cuba: How ‘1984’ Came to Be Published in Castro’s Twilight is a personal account of today’s Cuba at a pivotal point in its history, with the Castro brothers passing power on to a new generation. The book is akin to a detective story, as the author investigates how and why a state-run publishing house has come to release a new translatio

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012453
Pub. Date: May 6 2020
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / HIS041010

Front Cover
Other Losses
By James Bacque

Other Losses caused an international scandal when first published in 1989 by revealing that Allied Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower’s policies caused the death of some 1,000,000 German captives in American and French internment camps through disease, starvation and exposure from 1944 to 1949, as a direct result of the policies…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226654
Pub. Date: May 15 2011
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 1"
Non-Fiction / HIS027100

Front Cover
Outsider Notes
By Lynette Hunter
Edited by Frank Davey

How does an “outsider” feminist read a contemporary Canadian literature that is profoundly inscribed with the contradictions of late 20th-century capitalism, nationalism and globalism, and with vigorous class, race and gender struggles for access to power and representation? What does “literature” become when its own strategies variously place history, genre,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223639
Pub. Date: January 1 1996
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.8125"
Non-Fiction / POL056000

Front Cover
Paul Martin & Companies
By Alain Deneault
Translated by Rhonda Mullins

The more one reads about Paul Martin’s business affairs, the more troubling they appear. In Paul Martin & Companies, Alain Deneault offers a piercing look at what it means when a Canadian prime minister puts his private interests outside the laws he has been elected to apply. Using Martin’s business…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225381
Pub. Date: January 2 2006
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.25"
Non-Fiction / POL033000

Front Cover
Pell Mell
By Robin Blaser

Pell Mell, the middle voice, the syntax meeting its astonishments in its forward stride looking backwards, imagining an image nation where the heart is always torn—to pieces possessed by the other(s). A book so sure of itself that Blaser can begin, after the act of said-and-done, a series called Great…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226012
Pub. Date: June 6 2009
Dimensions: 8.75" x 5" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / LAN005070

Front Cover
Performing National Identities
Edited by Sherrill Grace & Albert-Reiner Glaap

If you have ever wondered why the Scots love Michel Tremblay or what Sharon Pollock has to say to Japanese audiences, or just how a Canadian play—or being Canadian—is viewed in England or the United States, you should read this volume. Each author holds a mirror up to Canadian theatre,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224759
Pub. Date: March 15 2003
Dimensions: 9.375" x 5" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / PER011020

Front Cover
Persian Postcards
By Fred A. Reed

In an age when visual images have become infinitely manipulable, and have thus forfeited their credibility, words alone can convey the multifaceted, fleeting, elastic yet intractable truth of memory and events. Persian Postcards, the fruit of ten years of travel to the Islamic Republic as both journalist and impassioned observer,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223516
Pub. Date: January 1 1994
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / POL037000

Front Cover
Phyllis Webb and the Common Good
By Stephen Collis

Phyllis Webb is a poet around whom archetypes tend to cluster: the reclusive artist; the distraught, borderline suicidal Sapphic woman poet. While on the surface she seems someone supremely disinterested in the public sphere, argues Stephen Collis in this brilliant and revealing new celebration of her work, Webb is no…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225596
Pub. Date: February 23 2007
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / LIT014000

Front Cover
Poet to Publisher
Edited by Ralph Maud

Donald M. Allen’s anthology The New American Poetry, published by Grove Press / Evergreen in the U.S.A. and the U.K., burst onto the literary scene in 1960 to become the single most important and influential book of poetry in the English language published in the second half of the 20th…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224865
Pub. Date: March 15 2005
Dimensions: 9.75" x 6.75" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / LIT007000

Front Cover
Price Paid
By Bev Sellars

Short-listed 20 weeks on the B.C. Bestsellers list in 2016 & 2017

Price Paid: The Fight for First Nations Survival untangles truth from some of the myths about First Nations at the same time that it addresses misconceptions still widely believed today.The second book by award-winning author Bev Sellars, Price Paid is based on a popular presentation Sellars created for treaty-makers, politicians,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889229723
Pub. Date: August 26 2016
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / HIS028000

Front Cover
Rational Geomancy
By Steve McCaffery & bp Nichol

The Toronto Research Group was an eighteen-year collaboration and friendship between the late bpNichol and Steve McCaffery. In addition to reports on translation; the book-as-machine; and the search for non-narrative prose; this collection includes an informative introduction by McCaffery; a report on performance; ‘Reading and Writing: The Toronto Research Game’;…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223004
Pub. Date: February 15 1992
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / LAN005000

Front Cover
Re: Producing Women's Dramatic History
By D.A. Hadfield

Traces the process of creating theatrical "success” and investigates how the politics involved influence what we perceive as "good” playwriting.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225633
Pub. Date: April 2 2007
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / POL011000

Front Cover
Salonica Terminus
By Fred A. Reed

A vivid, contemporary travelogue, Salonica Terminus explores a current landscape thronged with figures bent beneath the weight of history. It peers beneath the rotting logs of ideology, and prods the decomposing hulks of historical corpses that litter this region of dark mountains and misty valleys. Through its pages lurch extremists,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223684
Pub. Date: January 1 1996
Dimensions: 8.4375" x 6.5625" x 0.6875"
Non-Fiction / POL060000

Front Cover
Shattered Images
By Fred A. Reed

Fred A. Reed’s fifth book on the Middle East and “the wars of the Ottoman succession” traces the roots of Islamic fundamentalism, as currently enacted by Hezbollah and other Islamic fundamentalist organizations, to the iconoclasts of sixth- and seventh-century Damascus.The emergence of Iconoclasm, as sudden and overwhelming as it was…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224858
Pub. Date: September 15 2003
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / REL037010

Front Cover
Signs of Literature
By Kenneth James Hughes

This language primer begins with a suitably esoteric-looking chapter called "The Language of Time." It isn’t until the second paragraph that the unsuspecting reader realizes Hughes is talking about the language of Time magazine, which he analyzes as a piece of fiction. Indeed, for Hughes, there is no such thing…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222366
Pub. Date: January 1 1986
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / LAN005000

Front Cover
Speaking through the Night
By Wajdi Mouawad & Linda Gaboriau

Isolating in Nogent-sur-Marne, Wajdi Mouawad embarks upon a spectacular inner voyage, travelling from his own microcosm to the eye of the Big Bang. We follow him from Peter Handke’s office to his father’s retirement home, from the banks of the Saint Lawrence to Montréal, Greece, Greenland, and the Lebanon of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772015393
Pub. Date: February 20 2024
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5625"
Non-Fiction / PHI035000

Front Cover
Strange Comfort
By Sherrill Grace
Preface by Richard J. Lane

Strange Comfort collects the best of Sherrill Grace’s many published essays on the novelist and writer Malcolm Lowry, along with new pieces that incorporate her contemporary approach to his work. There are essays on Under the Volcano, on some of the stories in Hear us O Lord from heaven thy…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226180
Pub. Date: December 1 2009
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
Studies in Description
By Carl Peters

Difficult writing has its way of illuminating the part of the world that counts. One such difficult text is Gertrude Stein’s highly experimental Tender Buttons: objects, food, rooms – long considered the single most groundbreaking literary work of twentieth-century art, literary criticism, and art history. One hundred years since publication,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889229617
Pub. Date: April 12 2016
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / LIT014000

Front Cover
Subject to Change
By Renee Rodin

Composed of stories that sketch the resonant heights and depths of an auto- biography, Subject to Change is a series of portraits along the road of a life well lived. Each story is an articulate, intelligent, passionate record of how an encounter with a significant “other,” be it a parent,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226449
Pub. Date: October 1 2010
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / BIO001000

Front Cover
Takeover in Tehran
By Massoumeh Ebtekar
With Fred A. Reed

An insider account by Iran’s first female vice-president, Massoumeh Ebtekar, of the 1979 takeover of the American Embassy in Tehran.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224438
Pub. Date: January 1 2000
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / POL029000

Front Cover
By Laiwan

Seminal collection by one of Canada’s pioneering figures in racial, feminist, and queer politics.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012514
Pub. Date: March 1 2020
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Non-Fiction / BIO032000

Front Cover
textual vishyuns
By Carl Peters

Although internationally recognized as a pioneer of visual, concrete, sound and performance poetry, few people recognize bill bissett’s work in the visual arts to be of equal aesthetic importance. While his drawings, paintings, collages and three-dimensional assemblages were the subject of a 1984 Vancouver Art Gallery solo exhibition, Fires in…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226616
Pub. Date: May 15 2011
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / ART009000

Front Cover
The Athabasca Ryga
By George Ryga
Edited by E. David Gregory

The Athabasca Ryga presents essays, short stories, plays, and selections from a novel that George Ryga wrote in Athabasca and in Edmonton before his move to British Columbia in the early 1960s. Very little of this work has ever been published before. Almost all these early writings evoke and portray…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222762
Pub. Date: January 1 1990
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / LCO010000

Front Cover
The Battle of Batoche
By Walter Hildebrandt
Foreword by Jean Teillet

The Battle of Batoche is the best-known confrontation between Métis and British soldiers in the Northwest Resistance of 1885. It remains one of Canada’s most emotion-laden memories, eloquently revisited in this revised and expanded edition.The strategies of both sides are thoroughly examined, and numerous maps and photographs offer detailed description…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226937
Pub. Date: May 15 2012
Dimensions: 8" x 10" x 0.375"
Non-Fiction / PHO010000

Front Cover
The Box Closet
By Mary Meigs

The box closet was a real closet in the attic of the family house in Washington, D.C. in which Mary Meigs grew up. Bags and boxes of letters and diaries were found there after her mother’s death in 1958, and when Meigs read them she decided that they were the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222533
Pub. Date: January 1 1987
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / FAM058000

Front Cover
The Boys' Club
By Martine Delvaux
Translated by Katia Grubisic

Winner 2020 Grand Prix du Livre de Montréal

Acclaimed Québec feminist Martine Delvaux turns her sharp eye and even sharper pen on the history of gentlemen's clubs and male fraternity in this wide-reaching study of patriarchy. Delvaux lays bare the brazen misogyny of boys’ clubs across many fields, including politics, entertainment, technology, law enforcement, architecture, and the military.…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016024
Pub. Date: August 27 2024
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.875"
Non-Fiction / LCO019000

Front Cover
The Burden of Office
By Joseph Tussman

Joseph Tussman’s The Burden of Office is a book about the nature of political authority. Consider the symptoms of our present dilemma: leadership reduced to media “sound bites,” legitimate public power sold off to the marketplace in the name of “privatization,” citizens transformed into dubiously literate consumers in a Global…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222656
Pub. Date: January 1 1989
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / LIT020000

Front Cover
The Chilliwacks and Their Neighbors
By Oliver N. Wells

Oliver Wells, naturalist, writer, ethnographer, farmer, and stock breeder, was born in 1907 at the pioneer farm established by his family three generations before in the valley of the Chilliwack River. The name of this farm, Edenbank, echoes the rich heritage and idealist aspirations of the pioneer family who came…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222557
Pub. Date: January 1 1987
Dimensions: 10.25" x 8.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / SOC062000

Front Cover
The City That Is Leaving Forever
By Rahat Kurd & Sumayya Syed

The City That Is Leaving Forever is a unique twenty-first-century time capsule: an instant-message exchange between Kashmir and British Columbia spanning more than five years in the lives of two Muslim Kashmiri women poets. In 2016, as India’s military carries out extrajudicial killings and imposes a lengthy curfew in Srinagar,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772013573
Pub. Date: September 14 2021
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / HIS058000

Front Cover
The Decline of the Hollywood Empire
By Hervé Fischer
Translated by Rhonda Mullins

Short-listed 2007 Governor General’s Literary Award for Translation

The Hollywood empire was built over the course of a century through hard-nosed business practices such as block booking, dumping and buying up the competition, turning the silver screen into a goldmine in the process. The business logic that has driven the industry since its beginnings has gone into hyperdrive…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225459
Pub. Date: September 1 2006
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / PER004030

Front Cover
The Diary of Dukesang Wong
Edited by David McIlwraith
Translated by Wanda Joy Hoe
By Dukesang Wong

Short-listed 2021 Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize (BC and Yukon Book Prizes)

Here is the only known first-person account from a Chinese worker on the famously treacherous parts of transcontinental railways that spanned the North American continent in the nineteenth century. The story of those Chinese workers has been told before, but never in a voice from among their number, never in…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012583
Pub. Date: September 16 2020
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Non-Fiction / HIS008000

Front Cover
The Empress Has No Closure
By Adeena Karasick

The Empress Has No Closure contains, as a centre-piece, the “Alefbet Transfers,” a meditative, spacial explication of the 22 figures of the Hebrew alphabet.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223073
Pub. Date: January 1 1992
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Non-Fiction / LAN001000

Front Cover
The First Quarter of the Moon
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by Sheila Fischman

It is June 20, 1952, a decade after the events described in The Fat Woman Next Door Is Pregnant, the first volume of Michel Tremblay’s series of autobiographical fiction. The mystic, yet palpable instant of summer’s arrival is experienced simultaneously by the fat woman’s son (who is never named) and…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223523
Pub. Date: January 1 1994
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / FAM039000

Front Cover
The Impromptu of Outremont
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by John Van Burek

Each year, the Beaugrand sisters meet for their sister Yvette’s birthday party—and to have a little “impromptu”—at which they lash out at each other’s personal failures and at the failure of society to support them in their opinions about the world. The four sisters represent the French-Canadian intelligentsia of the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221857
Pub. Date: January 1 1981
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Non-Fiction / FAM041000

Front Cover
The Lil'wat World of Charlie Mack
By Dorothy Kennedy & Randy Bouchard

Early in their ethnographic work, Randy Bouchard and Dorothy Kennedy were privileged to meet Charlie Mack. Born on the Mount Currie Reserve in 1899, he was a fascinating character and a font of wisdom, exemplifying by his way of life, his skills in trapping and canoe-making, and his knowledge of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226401
Pub. Date: February 10 2010
Dimensions: 9.75" x 6.75" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / SOC021000

Front Cover
The Middle
By Stephen Collis

Written amid wildfires and atmospheric rivers, The Middle extends Stephen Collis’s investigation of threatened climate futures into a poetics of displacement and wandering. The fulcrum of a trilogy begun with A History of the Theories of Rain, The Middle hikes the shifting treelines of our warming world to reflect on…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016420
Pub. Date: October 16 2024
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / NAT045000

Front Cover
The Monument Cycles
By Mariner Janes

The Monument Cycles investigates our relation to monuments and works of public art, ranging from memorials to cenotaphs, expressing our desire to capture the fleeting and intangible. Speaking specifically to the city of Vancouver, these poems focus explicitly on the impoverished Downtown Eastside, exploring the narrator’s experiences working in the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889227514
Pub. Date: April 15 2012
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / SOC025000

Front Cover
The Moustache
By George Bowering

George Bowering and Greg Curnoe became friends in London, Ontario, in 1966. Bowering was a 30-year-old poet and university student and Curnoe was a 29-year-old painter who had dropped out of art school in Toronto to return to his place of birth. Their art was in its youth, their eyes…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889104570
Pub. Date: January 1 1993
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / FAM021000

Front Cover
The Pleasure of the Crown
By Dara Culhane

Anthropologists have traditionally studied Europe’s “others” and the marginalized and excluded within Europe’s and North America’s boundaries. This book turns the anthropologist’s spyglass in the opposite direction: on the law, the institution that quintessentially embodies and reproduces Western power.The Pleasure of the Crown offers a comprehensive look at how Canadian,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223158
Pub. Date: January 1 1998
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / SOC002010

Front Cover
The Porcupine Hunter and Other Stories
Edited by Ralph Maud
By Henry W. Tate

Henry W. Tate (d. 1914) was a Tsimshian informant to ethnographer Franz Boas. Tate first wrote these stories in English before giving Boas the Tsimshian equivalent during the decade of 1903-1913. Boas published the stories in the much-consulted classic of ethnology, Tsimshian Mythology, in 1916. Through Ralph Maud’s selection of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223332
Pub. Date: January 1 1994
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / SOC002010

Front Cover
The Recovery of the Public World
Edited by Charles Watts & Edward Byrne

The Recovery of the Public World is a collection of texts and talks which address the work of poet Robin Blaser and the field inhabited by his work. It is a field in which the private and the public are grounded in a poetic thinking that operates within the problematics…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223882
Pub. Date: January 1 1999
Dimensions: 9.5" x 6.5" x 1"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
The Salish People: Volume I
By Charles Hill-Tout
Edited by Ralph Maud

Charles Hill-Tout was born in England in 1858 and came to British Columbia in 1891. A pioneer settler at Abbotsford in the Fraser Valley, he devoted many years of fieldwork to his studies of the Salish and published in the scholarly periodicals of the day. He was honoured as president…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221482
Pub. Date: January 1 1978
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / HIS006050

Front Cover
The Salish People: Volume II
By Charles Hill-Tout
Edited by Ralph Maud

Charles Hill-Tout was born in England in 1858 and came to British Columbia in 1891. A pioneer settler at Abbotsford in the Fraser Valley, he devoted many years studying the Salish and publishing in the scholarly periodicals of the day. He was honoured as president of the Anthropological Section of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221499
Pub. Date: January 1 1978
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / HIS006050

Front Cover
The Salish People: Volume III
By Charles Hill-Tout
Edited by Ralph Maud

Charles Hill-Tout was born in England in 1858 and came to British Columbia in 1891. A pioneer settler at Abbotsford in the Fraser Valley, he devoted many years of fieldwork to his studies of the Salish and published in the scholarly periodicals of the day. He was honoured as president…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221505
Pub. Date: January 1 1978
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / HIS006050

Front Cover
The Salish People: Volume IV
By Charles Hill-Tout
Edited by Ralph Maud

Charles Hill-Tout was born in England in 1858 and came to British Columbia in 1891. He was a pioneer settler at Abbotsford in the Fraser Valley, where he raised his family in a log cabin. He devoted many years of field work to his studies of the Salish and published…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221512
Pub. Date: January 1 1978
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / HIS006050

Front Cover
The School-Marm Tree
By Howard O’Hagan

In 1919, Howard O’Hagan went east to study law at McGill University. There, Stephen Leacock was one of his professors, and, with A.J.M. Smith, he edited the McGill Daily. Graduating in 1925 with a B.A. and a L.L.B., he came back west where, without being called to the bar, he…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221291
Pub. Date: January 1 1977
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5625"
Non-Fiction / BIO030000

Front Cover
The Terror of the Coast
By Chris Arnett

On April 20, 1863, the British naval gunboat Forward attacked a Native village on Kuper Island. The naval officers believed that the village harboured individuals involved in two recent assaults against European transients in the Gulf Islands. The gunboat fired on the village and was repulsed with casualties after a…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223189
Pub. Date: January 1 1999
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / HIS006050

Front Cover
The Time Being
By Mary Meigs

From Mary Meigs, the celebrated author of In the Company of Strangers, comes an autobiographical novel, The Time Being. An affair born of a correspondence with a distant admirer leads the lovers to an arranged meeting in Australia. With a lifetime of relationships already behind them, the two women approach…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223745
Pub. Date: January 1 1997
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
The United States of Wind
By Daniel Canty
Translated by Oana Avasilichioaei

Raise the windsock. Read the compass. Ride where the wind wills it.Late 2010. From the end of fall to the beginning of winter, Daniel Canty becomes a wind seeker. Aboard the Blue Rider, a venerable midnight-blue Ford Ranger crested with a weathervane and a retractable windsock, he surrenders himself to…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889229426
Pub. Date: September 21 2015
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
The Visual Laboratory of Robert Lepage
By Ludovic Fouquet
Translated by Rhonda Mullins

For more than three decades, Robert Lepage’s dynamic multimedia performance works have been produced on stages worldwide. Celebrated for his bold, visionary aesthetic, Lepage has received several high-profile commissions in recent years, including two Peter Gabriel world tours, Cirque du Soleil’s KÁ in Las Vegas, a dramatic staging of Wagner’s…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889227743
Pub. Date: October 31 2014
Dimensions: 9.5" x 6" x 1.25"
Non-Fiction / PER011040

Front Cover
Theatre and AutoBiography
Edited by Sherrill Grace & Jerry Wasserman

That both autobiography and biography have acquired a position of unprecedented importance over the past 30 years is now obvious. Less obvious are the reasons for this phenomenon. Theorists and students of AutoBiography, a research subject now viewed as respectable in academic circles, have recently mapped the contours and shifting…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225404
Pub. Date: February 1 2006
Dimensions: 9.625" x 6.625" x 0.8125"
Non-Fiction / PER011020

Front Cover
Then We Were One
By Fred A. Reed

Shocked by his brother's death from psychological trauma sustained in the Vietnam War, Fred A. Reed sets out on a journey of personal discovery. By way of Greece, the Balkans, and the mystical Anatolian highlands, in pursuit of iconoclasts in Syria and Lebanon, he comes under the spell of Islam.…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226678
Pub. Date: October 11 2011
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / BIO025000

Front Cover
Theogony / Works and Days
Translated by C.S. Morrissey
By Hesiod

C.S. Morrissey’s brilliant translations bring a modern, lyrical sensibility to Theogony and Works and Days, Hesiod’s two great poems that paved the way for subsequent achievements in Greek philosophy. Theogony tells of the first generations of the gods and recollects how Zeus established his cosmic reign of justice. Works and…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889227002
Pub. Date: August 15 2012
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / LAN023000

Front Cover
They Called Me Number One
By Bev Sellars

2014 44 weeks on the B.C. Bestsellers list in 2013 & 2014!

Short-listed 2018 First Nation Communities READ – Periodical Marketers of Canada Aboriginal Literature award

Short-listed 2014 Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Prize (B.C. Book Prizes)

Short-listed 2014 Burt Award for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Literature

Short-listed 2017 Named one of 15 memoirs by Indigenous writers you need to read CBC Books

Short-listed 2018 First Nation Communities READ‚ Periodical Marketers of Canada Aboriginal Literature award

BC Book Prize, Non-Fiction, Bev Sellars, They Called Me Number One (Finalist) Burt Award for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Literature: Bev Sellars, They Called Me Number One (Third Prize winner)Like thousands of Aboriginal children in Canada, and elsewhere in the colonized world, Xatsu'll chief Bev Sellars spent part of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889227415
Pub. Date: April 15 2012
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / HIS028000

Front Cover
They Write Their Dream on the Rocks Forever
By Annie York & Richard Daly & Chris Arnett

In They Write Their Dreams on the Rock Forever, ‘Nlaka’pamux elder Annie York explains the red-ochre inscriptions written on the rocks and cliffs of the lower Stein Valley in British Columbia. This is perhaps the first time that a Native elder has presented a detailed and comprehensive explanation of rock-art…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012200
Pub. Date: August 18 2020
Dimensions: 10" x 8" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / HIS028000

Front Cover
They Write Their Dreams on the Rock Forever
By Annie York & Richard Daly & Chris Arnett

In They Write Their Dreams on the Rock Forever, ‘Nlaka’pamux elder Annie York explains the red-ochre inscriptions written on the rocks and cliffs of the lower Stein Valley in British Columbia. This is perhaps the first time that a Native elder has presented a detailed and comprehensive explanation of rock-art…

ISBN: 9780889223318
Pub. Date: January 1 1993
Dimensions: 10.25" x 8.125" x 1.3125"
Non-Fiction / HIS006050

Front Cover
This Is My Own
By Muriel Kitagawa
Edited by Roy Miki

Short-listed 1986 Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Prize (BC Book Prizes)

This Is My Own: Letters to Wes and Other Writings on Japanese Canadians, 1941–1948 is a collection of letters written by Muriel Kitagawa during this period, as well as statements, essays and manuscripts which arose from Kitagawa’s commitment to write about the injustices of the government’s policies and to educate…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222304
Pub. Date: January 1 1985
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / POL035010

Front Cover
Timothy Findley and the Aesthetics of Fascism
By Anne Geddes Bailey

Timothy Findley and the Aesthetics of Fascism: Intertextual Collaboration and Resistance investigates the troubling relationship between narrative meaning and representations of violence within Timothy Findley’s novels, throughout which writing and reading literature are portrayed as dangerous and political acts.Findley’s novels often expose the ideological underpinnings of the cultures in which…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223868
Pub. Date: January 1 1998
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
Too Good to Be True
By Bev Christensen

Short-listed 1996 BC Book Prize: Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Prize

On January 23, 1995, British Columbia’s then premier announced that he was cancelling Alcan’s Kemano Completion Project. But is such a simple political announcement all it will take to cancel this $1.4 billion hydro megaproject? Many tough questions remain: about who will pay for the cost of cancelling this megaproject,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223547
Pub. Date: January 1 1995
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.875"
Non-Fiction / POL033000

Front Cover
Tracing the Lines
Edited by Maia Joseph & Christine Kim & Larissa La & Christopher Lee

Passionate critic, principled citizen, attentive reader and editor, and energizing teacher – Roy Miki is all these and more, a poet whose writing articulates a moving body of work. The two main areas of his passionate research and writing – social critique and poetics – inform each other in these…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226944
Pub. Date: October 15 2012
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / SOC070000

Front Cover
Tracing the Paths
Edited by Roy Miki

bpNichol’s The Martyrology is one of the most outrageous, challenging, intriguing and accomplished long poems written in Canada. No other poem of its length has raised the major concerns of our time with such urgency and brilliance. Initially recognized by only a few, this luminous continuing work has attracted more…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222564
Pub. Date: January 1 1988
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / LIT014000

Front Cover
Transmission Difficulties
By Ralph Maud

It has been well known since Marius Barbeau’s review of the first edition of Franz Boas’s Tsimshian Mythology in 1917, that something was seriously amiss with Boas’s alleged “translations” of the stories gathered by his chief Tsimshian informant, Henry Tate. But what, exactly, was it that Boas was doing with…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224308
Pub. Date: January 1 2000
Dimensions: 9" x 5.9375" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / SOC021000

Front Cover
Truth or Death
By Thierry Hentsch
Translated by Fred A. Reed

Winner 2005 Governor General’s Literary Award for Translation

In the tradition of James Frazer, Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, Thierry Hentsch retells, with new urgency and a keen critical eye, “the story of the West” that shapes our perception of the world. Yet, “the story of the West” does not exist. Only a reading of its most seminal…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225091
Pub. Date: September 1 2004
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1.125"
Non-Fiction / LIT007000

Front Cover
Twelve Opening Acts
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by Sheila Fischman

Short-listed 2002 Governor General’s Literary Award for Translation

Alongside his dozens of fascinating and award-winning plays, and in addition to this great Chronicles of the Plateau Mont-Royal series of six epic novels, his translations, adaptations, librettos, and acute portrayals of human emotions in a state of both crisis and redemption, Michel Tremblay has left his readers with three…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224667
Pub. Date: January 1 2002
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
Two Houses Half-Buried in Sand
Edited by Chris Arnett
By Beryl Mildred Cryer

A vital collection of writings about First Nations people and culture as it existed on the island coasts of the Depression-era Pacific Northwest and originally published in the pages of Victoria’s oldest newspaper, the Daily Colonist, the sixty stories included here are the result of a unique collaboration between a…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225558
Pub. Date: December 15 2008
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / HIS028000

Front Cover
Untimely Passages
By Jerry Zaslove

These essays emerge from years of reading, writing, and teaching through the exemplary controversies, commitments, and atmosphere of the crises of modernism that accompany the author’s reading of European literature as a world literature. The author imagines the collection through the image of the Colporteur, who appears along the streets…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012606
Pub. Date: February 2 2022
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1.4375"
Non-Fiction / PHI040000

Front Cover
By Bruce Macdonald

Short-listed 1993 BC Book Prize: BC Booksellers' Choice Award in Honour of Bill Duthie

Short-listed 1993 BC Book Prize: Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize

Winner 1993 City of Vancouver Book Award

Absolutely unique in its presentational style, Vancouver: A Visual History is a delightful and important book. This stunning, full-colour historical atlas brings to life Vancouver’s first fourteen decades, beginning with a map of the 1850s depicting the land use, economy and settlement patterns of its first peoples, and ending with…

ISBN: 9780889223110
Pub. Date: January 1 1992
Dimensions: 12" x 12.3125" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / HIS006000

Front Cover
Vancouver Anthology
Edited by Stan Douglas

Commended 2011 Alcuin Awards for Book Design

To commemorate its 25th Anniversary, the Or Gallery is co-publishing with Talonbooks a second, updated edition of Vancouver Anthology, edited by acclaimed artist Stan Douglas, first published in 1991. Featuring a larger format, new hardcover design and a new afterword by Stan Douglas, the republication of Vancouver Anthology coincides with…

ISBN: 9780889226142
Pub. Date: January 3 2009
Dimensions: 9.75" x 6.75" x 1.25"
Non-Fiction / ART015040

Front Cover
By Sharon Pollock

A historical documentary of Sitting Bull’s exile in Canada after the Montana massacre at Little Big Horn. The play examines Sitting Bull’s relationship with superintendent Walsh of the North West Mounted Police and is the study of the disillusionment of a man who believes in his government’s integrity but who…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222151
Pub. Date: January 1 1983
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Non-Fiction / HIS028000

Front Cover
Women in a World at War
By Madeleine Gagnon
Translated by Phyllis Aronoff & Howard Scott

In 1999, poet and novelist Madeleine Gagnon undertook to document the experience of women in the many war zones at the end of a “century of ashes” through their own eyes and in their own words. Her record of those encounters boldly confronts the harshest realities of and asks the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224834
Pub. Date: October 1 2003
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.8125"
Non-Fiction / SOC028000

Front Cover
Write It on Your Heart
By Harry Robinson
Edited by Wendy Wickwire

Short-listed 1990 BC Book Prize: Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize

Write It on Your Heart is a celebration of the late Harry Robinson, one of the great storytellers of the Interior Salish people of North America.Collected over a ten-year period, the stories selected for this volume tell from a First Nations point of view about the origin of the world;…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225022
Pub. Date: February 1 2004
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / SOC002010

Front Cover
Writing the Okanagan
By George Bowering

George Bowering was born in Penticton, where his great-grandfather Willis Brinson lived, and Bowering has never been all that far from the Okanagan Valley in his heart and imagination. Early in the twenty-first century, he was made a permanent citizen of Oliver. Bowering has family up and down the Valley,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889229419
Pub. Date: September 21 2015
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / LCO006000