news | Friday August 23, 2024

Sangeeta Wylie Interview

Charlie Smith interviewed Sangeeta Wylie about her debut book we the same and her forthcoming book launch with TAIWANFest Vancouver.

An excerpt from the article: ‘The play was inspired by a family’s true story. However, Wylie created different characters and added various elements to the story based on her research and imagination.

“I was in such awe and admiration of this woman to have survived in those conditions with six children under the age of eight,” Wylie, who’s also a dentist, tells Pancouver. “I know the family—so many of the people—and the way that they have survived has been with a lot of grace and kindness and warmth.”

The playwright travelled to Vietnam and Malaysia to trace the family’s journey. And this first trip to Vietnam changed her.’

Read the full article here, and don’t miss Wylie’s book launch on September 2. Get your tickets here.

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