news | Thursday July 4, 2024

Refabulations: Selected Longer Works Reviewed in EVENT Magazine

Steven Maye reviewed Refabulations: Selected Longer Poems by Sharon Thesen and edited by Erín Moure in EVENT Magazine. Refabulations collects and reanimates the longer and serial poems from Sharon Thesen’s œuvre, from her first book in 1980 to today.

An excerpt from Maye’s review:

“The overall organization of Refabulations is more thematic than chronological … while these groupings attune us to fixations that persist across Thesen’s poems, they also display her formal inventiveness and the restlessness that sustains her engagement with the long poem as a form … The forms these poems make, as they evolve to meet the world, is complex enough to unsettle our own prior readings and provides its own reason for encountering these poems anew.”

Order EVENT 53/1 here.

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