news | Thursday July 14, 2016
If you’re in NYC tonight, don’t miss the opening reception for the 24th annual Poetry Publication Showcase at Poets House. Readings, conversation, and celebration will open this year’s Showcase, a free exhibit featuring all of the new poetry books and poetry-related texts published in the United States in a single year from more than 650 commercial, university, and independent presses. This diverse and inclusive exhibition will be on view through August 20.
A number of Talonbooks are featured in this year’s showcase: Cosmophilia by Rahat Kurd, Human Tissue by Weyman Chan, Impeccable Regret by Judith Fitzgerald, Injun and Un/inhabited by Jordan Abel, Pound @ Guantánamo by Clint Burnham, Prairie Harbour by Garry Thomas Morse, Rom Com by Dina Del Bucchia and Daniel Zomparelli, Scree: The Collected Earlier Poems, 1962–1991 by Fred Wah, Studies in Description by Carl Peters, th book by bill bissett, and Writing the Okanagan by George Bowering.