First collection of visual work by renowed Canadian poet Phyllis Webb * * A Dream in the Eye** presents colour reproductions of the paintings and photocollages of renowned poet Phyllis Webb. A Governor General's Award–winning poet and a member of the Order of Canada, Webb was a major Canadian cultural…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
September 20 2023
Dimensions: 10" x 8" x 0.375"
Poetry / POE024000
First collection of visual work by renowed Canadian poet Phyllis Webb * * A Dream in the Eye** presents colour reproductions of the paintings and photocollages of renowned poet Phyllis Webb. A Governor General's Award–winning poet and a member of the Order of Canada, Webb was a major Canadian cultural…
Pub. Date:
September 20 2023
Dimensions: 10.25" x 8.25" x 0.5625"
Poetry / POE024000
Long-listed 2024 Pat Lowther Memorial Award
Short-listed 2024 Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize
In this debut poetry collection, Samantha Nock redefines where and what “home” is. A Family of Dreamers delves into the complexities of growing up in rural northeast British Columbia and the love and grief that blooms there. In this debut collection, Samantha Nock weaves together threads of fat liberation, desirability…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
September 26 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE023050
A kaleidoscopic net woven of words A Net of Momentary Sapphire offers three closely related poetic sequences, random rearrangements of a poignant but obsessively recurrent source text – streams of consciousness in which no stable self can be elucidated. A broken long poem, this singular net is an interrogation of…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
May 17 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE023000
Another Order gathers the dynamic and previously inaccessible works of Judith Copithorne, the boundary-pushing writer, artist, community worker, and outspoken feminist who has been a key figure in Vancouver’s literary scene since the 1960s. Including poetry, fiction, visual art, comics, and life writing, Another Order captures Copithorne’s “embodied approach to…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
December 5 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Poetry / POE024000
In Canoes seven stories orbit a central novella, creating a collection that resonates with the vibrations and frequencies of women’s voices. Daughters, friends, sisters, young and old, talkative or daydreaming – in this moving and poetic collection, Maylis de Kerangal casts light on them all, exploring human entwinement and the…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
October 5 2023
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5" x 0.5625"
Fiction / FIC029000
This revealing memoir by the former president of the National Association of Japanese Canadians describes the long journey towards resolution for the historic injustice that deprived Japanese Canadians of their basic human rights during and after World War II. Gaman – Perseverance details the intense negotiations that took place in…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
December 15 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / HIS027100
An unforgettable tale of healing and forgiveness When Graziana’s violent stalker dies in a car crash, the abrupt news and its resulting catharsis land her in hospital. Her eight-year-old, the willful and creative Hazel, suddenly becomes the ward of Grandpa “Grumpy” Herman, while her mother embarks on a necessary path…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
May 24 2023
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 1"
Fiction / FIC090030
Celebrated humorist and short-story writer M.A.C. Farrant’s new non-fiction work comprises ninety-three puzzle pieces that mimic the actual practice of assembling a jigsaw puzzle. By turns whimsical, insightful, meditative, funny, and factual, the “pieces” of Jigsaw touch on themes readers of the celebrated humorist and fiction writer M.A C. Farrant…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
October 17 2023
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.8125"
Non-Fiction / LCO019000
Commended 2024 Indigenous History Book Prize
Short-listed 2025 Jeanne Clarke Publication Award
Eight years in the making, Lha yudit’ih We Always Find a Way is a community oral history of Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia, the first case in Canada to result in a declaration of Aboriginal Rights and Title to a specific piece of land. Told from the perspective of the…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
October 31 2023
Dimensions: 9.5" x 6.5" x 1.25"
Non-Fiction / BIO028000
The third play in the award-winning Arctic Cycle on the impact of climate changeHarveys suck. Whether hurricanes or Hollywood producers, Harveys are overpowered forces primed to prey on vulnerable people and ecosystems. Harveys especially prey on women, including the woman in No More Harveys, who flees her abusive husband and…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
May 31 2023
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Drama / SCI092000
Long-listed 2024 Pat Lowther Memorial Award
Long-listed 2024 Raymond Souster Award
No Town Called We writes through the death of elders, social panic, and the climate crisis via the lens of the multiply disabled, female-coded body approaching midlife. Punching through the veils of complacency and greed that shape the cultures of the petrostate, these poems are meditations on an emergency, dispatches…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
October 17 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 5.5" x 0.25"
Poetry / POE023010
The collected longer poems of brilliant Canadian poet Sharon ThesenRefabulations collects and reanimates the longer and serial poems from Sharon Thesen’s œuvre, from her first book in 1980 to today. It is a record of a life in language, created by a dexterous and renegade poet whose mind is ever…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
March 14 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Poetry / POE023040
Noh-influenced libretto by renowned Canadian poet Daphne MarlattThe Noh-influenced libretto of Shadow Catch recounts the dreams – or are they dreams? – of the Runaway, a teenage boy who ends up one night in Oppenheimer Park in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Here four troubled spirits from the park’s past appear to…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
May 24 2023
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Poetry / POE024000
COVID meditations from literary phenom Otoniya J. Okot BitekRife with the paradoxical forces of boredom and intensity, the early days of COVID-19 passed under an inescapable pall. The poems of Song & Dread seek quietude, order, refuge, and space within that shroud. They remind us of community, connectedness, and what…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
May 17 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE024000
A brilliant collection weaving history, personal experience, and Indigenous resilienceSpells, Wishes, and the Talking Dead: ᒪᒪᐦᑖᐃᐧᓯᐃᐧᐣ ᐸᑯᓭᔨᒧᐤ ᓂᑭᐦᒋ ᐋᓂᐢᑯᑖᐹᐣ mamahtâwisiwin, pakosêyimow, nikihci-âniskotâpân is a wonder. With inspiring defiance, John-Kehewin plays with form, space, and language, demonstrating which magics cannot be suppressed. Here is an unflinching look at colonialism’s sickening trail:…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
May 31 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE024000
Three timely and provocative plays by the award-winning, internationally produced Portuguese Canadian playwright Elaine Ávila.
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
September 27 2023
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.75"
Drama / DRA020000
Runner-up 2024 Fred Cogswell Award For Excellence In Poetry
the berry takes the shape of the bloom originated as a gesture towards optimism after loss and pain, difficulty and fear. It began as a linear narrative, offering a window into one trans person’s life after they felt contented and secure. But in the end these poems, which capture particular…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
October 17 2023
Dimensions: 8" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE011000