Paperback / softback
Pages: 136
Pub. Date:
January 1 1992
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Rights: Available: WORLD
Poetry / LAN005070
WARNING each wun uv thees pomes may contain inkorrect thots these pomes have not bin kleerd by th ministree uv korrect thots
Ths book contains reel storees that have reelee happend th mysteree uv pain has not bin adequatelee xplaind 2 us why memorees can cum crashing down on us robbing us uv our present or why we lifting grasp hold of a suddn laffing idea baloons us up n what we lern from memorees
I cum skraping across a glacier bringing yu ths burnd flowr see its petals bleed as it opns all ovr our plans our mesurd safetees see its tabula filling with such wondrous snow
these pomes have not bin bleerd by th ministree uv korrect thots we have no control ovr what is not being xpressd heer eithr
byond ths sign yr on yr own
Winner 1993 BC Book Prize: Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize