Front Cover
By Brian Fawcett

In this disturbing collection of investigative fictions, Brian Fawcett asserts that the informational white noise of the Global Village is creating a cultural and intellectual breakdown that will eventually lead to the disappearance of local and individual identity. He argues that under the glitzy surfaces of television and the information…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222373
Pub. Date: January 1 1986
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Fiction / FIC029000

Front Cover
Can You See Me Yet?
By Timothy Findley

In 1938, in a world about to go mad with war, an Ontario insane asylum seems to offer sanctuary to the characters in Can You See Me Yet? But as Cassandra Wakelin begins to confuse her fellow inmates with members of her own ill-fated family, the question arises: Can anyone…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221192
Pub. Date: January 1 1997
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Canada: A New Tax Haven
By Alain Deneault
Translated by Catherine Browne

In Canada: A New Tax Haven, Alain Deneault traces Canada’s relationship with Britain’s Caribbean colonies back through the last half of the twentieth century, arguing that the involvement of Canadian financiers in establishing and maintaining Caribbean tax havens has predisposed Canada to become a tax haven itself – a metamorphosis…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889228368
Pub. Date: July 25 2015
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 1"
Non-Fiction / BUS011000

Front Cover
Canadian Drama and the Critics
Edited by L. W. Conolly

The editor of this lively, updated assortment of reviews, interviews and other critical deliberations on contemporary Canadian drama has gathered material from books, theatre and scholarly journals; from major daily newspapers in Canada and abroad; from critics, academics, journalists and playwrights. This new expanded and updated edition of Canadian Drama…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223592
Pub. Date: January 1 1995
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
By Maylis de Kerangal
Translated by Jessica Moore

In Canoes seven stories orbit a central novella, creating a collection that resonates with the vibrations and frequencies of women’s voices. Daughters, friends, sisters, young and old, talkative or daydreaming – in this moving and poetic collection, Maylis de Kerangal casts light on them all, exploring human entwinement and the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772015454
Pub. Date: October 5 2023
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5" x 0.5625"
Fiction / FIC029000

Front Cover
Capital Tales
By Brian Fawcett

The survivors and victims inhabiting the pages of Capital Tales dash forever the romantic myth that our peerless captains of industry are guiding us through the mists of progress to a shining land of prosperity. Tough, uncompromising portraits of people discovering the illusions they live by, the stories culminate in…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222212
Pub. Date: January 1 1984
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / LIT025030

Front Cover
Cariboo Magi
By Lucia Frangione

Winner 2002 Jessie Richardson Award for Outstanding Original Play or Musical: Small Theatre (Pacific Theatre)

A drunken Anglican minister who has failed to convert anyone in ten years, an avaricious saloon keeper with a murder in her past, a pregnant child star who has become too old for her roles and a man who claims to be the last of the Mohicans all need a…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225275
Pub. Date: September 15 2005
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.25"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Carmela's Table
By Vittorio Rossi

At first glance a classic tale of immigrants to North America, there is something more to Vittorio Rossi’s autobiographical A Carpenter’s Trilogy than the conflict of a romanticized past confronting the excitement of a brighter future. Carmela’s Table, part two of this chronicle, finds Silvio, the decorated Italian war hero,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225947
Pub. Date: January 9 2008
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
By Lola Lemire Tostevin

The terminal illness and death of the author’s father and a recent trip to Egypt led Lola Lemire Tostevin to explore what she perceives to be the essential relation between language and death. In the hieroglyphs and carvings of ancient Egyptian temples she experienced how the bleakness of death and…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223554
Pub. Date: January 1 1995
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Cerulean Blue
By Drew Hayden Taylor

Cerulean Blue is a comedic play about a struggling blues band invited to participate in a benefit concert for a First Nation community in conflict with governmental authorities. Upon arriving, the band discovers the entire lineup of musical acts has cancelled and they’re left trapped behind barricades. Complicating the matter,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889229525
Pub. Date: October 21 2015
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
By Oana Avasilichioaei

Chambersonic imagines the book as an acoustic chamber. This collection of poems, essays, performance scores, and audio recordings comes alive with documents, rehearsals, and reverberations, all populated by an ensemble of players, instruments, and materials that make sound together. A conductor fades in and out; the audience acts as choreographer;…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016260
Pub. Date: October 16 2024
Dimensions: 8" x 6.5" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / MUS000000

Front Cover
Chameleon and Other Stories
By Bill Schermbrucker

“The leopard may not be able to change its spots, but the chameleon sure can.” In Chameleon & Other Stories, Bill Schermbrucker takes as his central metaphor a creature who changes its colour to reflect and blend in with the environment, just as human beings are sometimes asked to change…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222083
Pub. Date: January 1 1983
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Fiction / FIC019000

Front Cover
Change Room
By Mark Cochrane

The multifaceted pun in the title of Mark Cochrane’s latest book of poems (a room is a stanza, is a space, is an enclosure; in which a change, a transaction, a metamorphosis takes place) is a barbed hook of seduction for the reader in love with the body of language.…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224322
Pub. Date: March 15 2000
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.4375"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
By Margaret Christakos

A moving new collection from award-winning poet, novelist, critic, and creative-writing instructor Margaret Christakos, charger considers the plugged-in self fuelled by the technologies that deliver us to each other. A deeply humane poetic cycle in twelve sections, charger grapples with the complicated currents that course between private and social, between…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012491
Pub. Date: March 16 2020
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5625"
Poetry / POE024000

Front Cover
Charles Olson at the Harbor
By Ralph Maud

Charles Olson was quite possibly the greatest, and without question the most influential, of the “New American Poets” published by Grove Press in the mid-twentieth century.Synthesizing the experimental avant-garde of Black Mountain College with the uncompromising existentialism of the Beat generation, the new structuralism of the San Francisco Renaissance and…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225763
Pub. Date: July 1 2008
Dimensions: 9" x 5.9375" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
Checking In
By Adeena Karasick

Checking In comprises a long poem and a series of other post-conceptual pieces – concrete poems, homolinguistic translations, Yiddish aphorisms – that offer exuberant commentary on the timelessness of digital information and our ravenous appetite for data and connection.The title poem, composed as a series of faux social-media updates, is…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012002
Pub. Date: April 30 2018
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Poetry / POE024000

Front Cover
Chile Con Carne and Other Early Works
By Carmen Aguirre

Three early plays from influential Canadian Latina playwright, Carmen Aguirre. The plays, Chile Con Carne, ¿QUE PASA with LA RAZA, eh?, and In a Land Called I Don’t Remember, deal with the experience of exile – the hardships, the heartache, and the horror – as well as revealing the fresh…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012286
Pub. Date: January 15 2019
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Drama / DRA019000

Front Cover
By Wendy Lill

What makes Chimera so compelling is that Wendy Lill has lived almost all the roles the play dramatizes: NDP critic for both culture and persons with disabilities, she came to politics after a career in community health care and as a reporter for the CBC.This play arose from her experience…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225695
Pub. Date: September 15 2007
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Chinese Blue
By Weyman Chan

Drawing on more than two thousand years of ancient Chinese tradition that present diverse philosophical modes of being, whether it be the spiritual teachings of Kong Zi or Lao Tzu, the military dicta of Sun Tzu or the complex sensibilities expressed by poets such as Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju, Li Bai, Du…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226814
Pub. Date: April 15 2012
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.4375"
Poetry / POE009010

Front Cover
Christina, The Girl King
By Michel Marc Bouchard
Translated by Linda Gaboriau

Short-listed 2013 Governor General's Literary Award (French drama)

Short-listed 2014 Governor General's Literary Award for Translation

Michel Marc Bouchard’s latest play tells the story of Queen Christina of Sweden, who wreaked havoc throughout northern Europe in the middle of the seventeenth century. An enigmatic monarch, a flamboyant and unpredictable intellectual, a woman eager for knowledge, and a feminist before her time, Christina reigned over an empire…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889228986
Pub. Date: July 27 2014
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5" x 0.3125"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Circumstances Alter Photographs
By Michael Barnholden

On Friday, April 24, 1885, Captain James Peters took the world’s first battlefield photographs under fire at the battle of Fish Creek in the Canadian Northwest Territory of Saskatchewan. As Captain of the Royal Canadian Artillery’s “A” Battery—part of the North West Field Force—he subsequently managed to expose over seventy…

ISBN: 9780889226210
Pub. Date: November 16 2009
Dimensions: 10" x 8.25" x 0.875"
Non-Fiction / PHO015000

Front Cover
By Dave Deveau

Cissy is a collection of three plays on gender and young LGBTQ+ folk by the acclaimed playwright Dave Deveau. In Nelly Boy, an unknown man sits in a nondescript room trying to discover how Nelly came to be running naked along the side of a six-lane highway. Nelly’s world slowly…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012521
Pub. Date: March 1 2020
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Drama / YAF047050

Front Cover
Citizen Suárez
By Guillermo Verdecchia

Guillermo Verdecchia is primarily known for his award-winning plays; Citizen Suárez is his first book of short stories, and it is a remarkable debut.These stories take on the quintessential issues forced upon a generation betrayed by their citizenship—a betrayal the more profound because it subsists primarily in the global death…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223912
Pub. Date: January 1 1998
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Fiction / FIC019000

Front Cover
Coast Mountain Foot
By ryan fitzpatrick

Written over the span of a decade and a half, Coast Mountain Foot keens its ear to the energies that connect cities, refracting the gesture of George Bowering’s 1968 classic Rocky Mountain Foot. Occasioned by fitzpatrick’s own move from Calgary to Vancouver in 2011, the book writes through the messy…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772013597
Pub. Date: July 15 2021
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE023000

Front Cover
Coast Salish Essays
By Wayne Suttles

Wayne Suttles has devoted much of his professional life to research on the cultures of the Native peoples of the Pacific Northwest, especially the Coast Salish of the Georgia Strait-Puget Sound Basin. Born and raised in this region, he has been guided by a life-long love of its natural environment…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222120
Pub. Date: January 1 1987
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / SOC002010

Front Cover
Cold Comfort
By Jim Garrard

Cold Comfort: a play of love & bondage is the third in a quartet of plays that Jim Garrard calls “Bondage Plays for My Country.” The play could take place anywhere along the Trans-Canada Highway, but it happens to be set in Saskatchewan, the geographic centre of the country. There…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222014
Pub. Date: January 1 1982
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Cold Comfort
By Gil McElroy

When his father died, award-winning poet and curator Gil McElroy was given a box of photographs that documented his father’s military career. Beginning in the Second World War and continuing right through to the end of the Cold War, the senior McElroy staffed Canada’s network of electronic defence, including the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226845
Pub. Date: May 15 2012
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5625"
Non-Fiction / BIO008000

Front Cover
Colours in the Dark
By James Reaney

From the author’s note from the original production: Colours in the Dark might best be called a play box. Why?I happen to have a play box and it’s filled with not only toys and school relics, but also deedboxes, ancestral coffin plates—in short, a whole life. When you sort through…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889220010
Pub. Date: January 1 1969
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.375"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Consecrated Ground 2nd Edition
By George Boyd

In 1965, Africville, the largest and oldest black community in Canada was bulldozed into memory. What was lost to the politicians of Halifax was an inconvenience, an eyesore. But what was lost to the people whose roots ran deep through the once-vibrant community was an entire way of life. The…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226661
Pub. Date: January 15 2011
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.25"
Non-Fiction / HIS006040

Front Cover
Conversations in Tehran
By Jean-Daniel Lafond & Fred A. Reed

In early 2004, filmmaker Jean-Daniel Lafond (Salam Iran, a Persian Letter) and author Fred A. Reed (Persian Postcards: Iran after Khomeini) returned to Iran after a two-year absence—on the eve of the parliamentary elections that were to seal the political defeat of the Reform movement. They had come to interview…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225503
Pub. Date: September 1 2006
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / POL012000

Front Cover
Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954 Hardcover
By August Jack Khahtsahlano & J.S. Matthews

Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954 contains twenty-two years of conversations between Sḵwx̱uwú7mesh Chief X̱ats’alanexw, a.k.a. Chief August Jack Khahtsahlano, and Major J.S. Matthews. Originally published in 1955 by the Vancouver City Archives, Conversations with Khahtsahlano received a limited publication and is reproduced here in facsimile. Chief X̱ats’alanexw’s reminiscences travel as far…

ISBN: 9781772014914
Pub. Date: November 3 2022
Dimensions: 8.4375" x 5.8125" x 1.25"
Non-Fiction / LCO013000

Front Cover
Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954
By August Jack Khahtsahlano & J.S. Matthews

Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954 contains twenty-two years of conversations between Sḵwx̱uwú7mesh Chief X̱ats’alanexw, a.k.a. Chief August Jack Khahtsahlano, and Major J.S. Matthews. Originally published in 1955 by the Vancouver City Archives, Conversations with Khahtsahlano received a limited publication and is reproduced here in facsimile. Chief X̱ats’alanexw’s reminiscences travel as far…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772014907
Pub. Date: September 13 2022
Dimensions: 8.0625" x 5.5" x 1.1875"
Non-Fiction / LCO013000

Front Cover
Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954 (New Format)
By August Jack Khahtsahlano & J.S. Matthews

Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954 contains twenty-two years of conversations between Sḵwx̱uwú7mesh Chief X̱ats’alanexw, a.k.a. Chief August Jack Khahtsahlano, and Major J.S. Matthews. Originally published in 1955 by the Vancouver City Archives, Conversations with Khahtsahlano received a limited publication and is reproduced here in facsimile. Chief X̱ats’alanexw’s reminiscences travel as far…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016994
Pub. Date: December 2 2025
Dimensions: 8.0625" x 5.5" x 1.1875"
Non-Fiction / LCO013000

Front Cover
Conversations with the Kagawong River
By sophie anne edwards

A site-specific engagement with an ecosystem of Mnidoo Mnising (Manitoulin Island), Conversations with the Kagawong River raises the possibility of collaboration with the more-than-human. The author spent several years learning to listen to the Gaagigewang Ziibi (Kagawong River) and to follow the rhythms and patterns of its flora and fauna,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016246
Pub. Date: October 22 2024
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE023030

Front Cover
By Michael Nardone

Convivialities is a collection of dialogues with contemporary writers and artists conducted over great distances and extended periods of time. These conversations – with Dana Michel, Joshua Clover and Jasper Bernes, Shanzhai Lyric, Cecily Nicholson, Raven Chacon, Divya Victor, Carlos Soto Román, Tanya Lukin Linklater, Gail Scott, Kevin Davies, The…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016468
Pub. Date: April 22 2025
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / LIT014000

Front Cover
cop city swagger
By Mercedes Eng

Investigating whose safety really matters in the most expensive city in the nation, cop city swagger conducts a threat assessment of Vancouver’s police. Holding close lived and living connections to the Downtown Eastside and Chinatown neighbourhoods, Eng juxtaposes the police’s and the city’s institutional rhetoric with their acts of violence…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016321
Pub. Date: October 18 2024
Dimensions: 9" x 5.5" x 0.25"
Poetry / POE024000

Front Cover
Coping with Emotions and Otters
By Dina Del Bucchia

Short-listed 2014 ReLit Awards, Poetry

Taking as her guide the structure of the contemporary pop psychology how-to book, with its neatly numbered and ordered rules regarding how to change and improve our lives, and also flirting with a concept found in serial poems such as Jack Spicer’s “Psychoanalysis: An Elegy,” Dina Del Bucchia fashions incredibly…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889227644
Pub. Date: April 15 2012
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Copper Thunderbird
By Marie Clements

Short-listed 2008 Governor General’s Literary Award

Copper Thunderbird is a play on canvases based on the life of Norval Morrisseau. Inside the power-lines which Morrisseau boldly defined in his art were the colours he experienced between his Ojibwa cosmology, his life on the street, and his spiritual and philosophical transformations to become the Father of Contemporary…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225688
Pub. Date: September 15 2007
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.25"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
By Catriona Strang

Catriona Strang expertly “fabricates her own reality” in poems that explore the female condition and respond to Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time. In a powerful and rare display of poetic ingenuity, Strang situates classical themes of existentialism, memory, time, and the role of women in two clarifying contexts:…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889228528
Pub. Date: April 15 2013
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
By Wendy Lill

Short-listed 1999 Governor General’s Literary Award for Drama

Corker uses the familiar but difficult and treacherous nineteenth-century device of representing the family as a microcosm of the nation state. Opening with the extended family’s awkward attendance at the funeral of Serena, aging flower child of the sixties, the symbolic conflicts build quickly. Serena’s sister Merit, the hard-driving, social-program-budget-slashing…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223943
Pub. Date: January 1 1998
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.4375"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
By Rahat Kurd

What earthly use is the love of ornament? Slowing down to look closely at an inherited shawl made by hand, the title poem in Rahat Kurd’s Cosmophilia traces an object of luxury to the traditionally male art of Kashmiri shawl embroidery. The poet works with images from Kashmir, her maternal…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889229464
Pub. Date: October 13 2015
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.25"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Cottage Radio & Other Plays
By Taylor Marie Graham

Cottage Radio & Other Plays animates a wild cast of Southwestern Ontario characters – particularly its strong, hilarious rural women – with complex histories and relationships to the land. The titlular Cottage Radio zeroes in on the sarcastic, charismatic Marley clan as they band together in the aftermath of a…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016185
Pub. Date: June 21 2024
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Drama / DRA019000

Front Cover
Cottagers and Indians
By Drew Hayden Taylor

Cottagers and Indians explores the politics and issues surrounding a real-life event still occurring in the Kawartha Lakes region of Central Ontario. An Indigenous man, Arthur Copper, has taken it upon himself to repopulate the nearby lakes with wild rice, known amongst the Anishnawbe as Manoomin, much to the disapproval…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012309
Pub. Date: April 27 2019
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.4375" x 0.25"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
By Beverley Simons

Crabdance is a tragicomedy in three acts in which a lonely, middle-aged woman plays elaborate, ritualistic games with three men whom she forces to play the roles of her son, her husband and her lover.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889220164
Pub. Date: January 1 1972
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.375"
Drama / HUM012000

Front Cover
Crees in the Caribbean
By Drew Hayden Taylor

A heartwarming comedy about two middle-aged First Nations seniors, Evie and Cecil, on their very first trip out of the country. Evie and Cecil reminisce and bicker as they review a lifetime together. CECILSo, what exactly are we going to do now that we’re here in Mexico?EVIEI’m so glad you…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772011487
Pub. Date: January 9 2016
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Crimes and Mercies
By James Bacque

More than 9 million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after World War II—one quarter of the country was annexed, and about 15 million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known. Over 2 million of these alone,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225671
Pub. Date: September 15 2007
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.9375"
Non-Fiction / HIS027100

Front Cover
Crossing the City
By Michel Tremblay & Sheila Fischman

The story continues … The second in Michel Tremblay’s new series of novels presents two very different lives. We meet Maria as she leaves the city of Providence, Rhode Island, pregnant and alone. Two years later, we also meet Maria’s older daughter, Rhéauna, as she disembarks the train at Windsor…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889228931
Pub. Date: October 14 2014
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Fiction / FIC019000

Front Cover
Crossing the Continent
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by Sheila Fischman

Born in Providence, Rhode Island, to a Cree mother and a French father, Rhéauna, affectionately known throughout Tremblay’s work as “Nana,” was sent with her two younger sisters, Béa and Alice, to be raised on her maternal grandparents’ farm in Sainte-Maria-de-Saskatchewan, a francophone Catholic enclave of two hundred souls. At…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226760
Pub. Date: November 15 2011
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 1"
Fiction / FIC019000

Front Cover
Crowd Source
By Cecily Nicholson

Crowd Source parallels the daily migration of the crows who, aside from fledgling season, fly across metro Vancouver every day at dawn and dusk. This durational study echoes their flight, occasionally touching down to reflect on human-crow interactions. Attentive to the great intelligence and perspectives of corvid and non-human communications, t

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016581
Pub. Date: April 1 2025
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Poetry / POE023060

Front Cover
Cruel Tears
By Ken Mitchell

Cruel Tears is one of the most original and inventive theatre pieces ever staged in Canada. Shakespeare buffs may see in the play certain intriguing parallels to Othello, but in Cruel Tears, the jealous hero is a Ukrainian truck driver from Saskatoon, not a moor of Venice. Described as a…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221208
Pub. Date: January 1 1977
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.4375"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
By Daniel MacIvor
Foreword by Daniel Brooks

Short-listed 2005 Governor General’s Literary Award for Drama

Co-founder of Toronto’s groundbreaking theatre company da da kamera, Daniel MacIvor is Canada’s most influential post-modern playwright.In his latest collaboration with director Daniel Brooks, MacIvor plays the role of Leonard, who narrates the events leading up to his murder while trying to understand them himself. Through the course of the…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225152
Pub. Date: March 15 2005
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.25"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Cultural Mischief
By Frank Davey

Cultural Mischief is a collection of prose poems on the hyperbolic absurdities of multiculturalism in action. Whether digging up the midden under Greg Curnoe’s house, revisiting Hiroshima, attending a dog breeder’s show or retelling the history of Quebec from the point of view of its founding nations, the Mohawks and…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223646
Pub. Date: September 15 1996
Dimensions: 6" x 6" x 0.4375"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Cyrano de Bergerac
By Edmond Rostand
Translated by John Murrell

Edmond Rostand’s beloved classic, Cyrano de Bergerac, is an epic and heroic tale that has fascinated and enchanted generations. Not since 1938 has there been a more readable or stageable prose translation of this classic favourite. With a rich tapestry of gallant soldiers, starving poets, musketeers, marquises and bluestockings, Cyrano…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780921368434
Pub. Date: January 1 1995
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.375"
Fiction / FIC004000