Randy Morin nitisihkāson ᓂᑎᓯᐦᑳᓱᐣ is from the mistahi sīpīy ᒥᐢᑕᐦᐃ ᓯᐱᕀ or Big River First Nation, in central Saskatchewan on Treaty 6 Territory. His western education consists of a B.A. in Indigenous Studies, a B.Ed., and an M.A. in Indigenous Language Revitalization. His nēhiyaw ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐤ (Cree) education consists of a lifetime of traditional Plains Cree teachings. He is an oskāpēwis ᐅᐢᑳᐯᐃᐧᐢ (Helper) for many people in the community. He is a strong advocate for the nēhiyawēwin ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ language and culture and is currently an assistant professor at the University of Saskatchewan. Randy is also the author of nēhiyaw children’s books, including Meewasin Forest: Two Children Stories (with Mitchell Poundmaker) and kiwahkomâkanowak pisiskowak nânâskomowak tahto kîsikâw / Our Relatives, the Animals Give Thanks (with Carla Joseph).