Jason Patrick Rothery is Calgary-based writer and with nearly twenty years of experience as a professional theatre artist.
A graduate of UBC’s Creative Writing program, and holding an MA in Humanities from York, Jason was a resident dramaturge at Playwrights Theatre Centre (Vancouver), resident playwright of the Soulpepper Academy (Toronto), the co-founder and Festival Director of the Calgary International Fringe Festival, and the Artistic Director of Ghost River Theatre (Calgary). He has enjoyed dozens of professional productions of his work and collaborative creations. His adaptation of China Miéville’s The City & the City enjoyed a sold-out premiere run at the 2017 PuSh International Performing Arts Festival. Inside the Seed won several Jessie Richardson Awards, including Outstanding Original Script, and was published by Talonbooks in April 2016. After multiple mainstage mountings, Birth: EE Cummings in Song toured to New York City’s 42nd Street Theatre in July 2017. Rothery’s first novel, Privilege, was published by Enfield & Wizenty in 2019.