Dorothy Dittrich is an award winning playwright, musical director, sound designer, and composer. Her most recent play, The Piano Teacher, an Arts Club Theatre Silver Commission that went on to win the Jessie Richardson Award for Outstanding Original Script. Her other plays include The Dissociates, Lesser Demons, Two Part Invention, and If the Moon Falls, commissioned by the Solo Collective.
Her musical When We Were Singing has been produced across Canada including the National Arts Centre, and in the U.S. It received a workshop in New York with MTC. Dorothy’s work has garnered her a number of Jessie Awards and nominations including two Dora Mavor Moore nominations for When We Were Singing. She is the proud recipient of the Sydney J. Risk Award for Emerging Playwright. Dorothy is currently working on two new plays and continues to write and read Tippi and Stan, a comedy series set in Vancouver.
Winner 2022 Governor General's Literary Award for Drama