Front Cover
Safety Sand
By Garry Thomas Morse

In this companion to Governor General’s Award finalists Discovery Passages and Prairie Harbour, Garry Thomas Morse resumes his expansionist mapping of lyrical consciousness onto geographical concerns, acknowledging the unsettled edges of an imaginary territory. In Safety Sand, the reader is invited to step through a multilayered literary filter of uncanny…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772011982
Pub. Date: February 20 2018
Dimensions: 9.75" x 6" x 0.4375"
Poetry / POE015000

Front Cover
Saga of the Wet Hens
By Jovette Marchessault
Translated by Linda Gaboriau

One night in the Promised Land of the North of the Americas, at the centre of a fabulous vortex, four women—Laure Conan, Germaine Guèvremont, Gabrielle Roy and Anne Hèbert—meet, and perform six tableaux. Onstage, the women talk and gallop, they sit and rock; they descend from the heavens like angels,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222137
Pub. Date: January 1 1983
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.375"
Drama / SOC010000

Front Cover
Saint Frances of Hollywood
By Sally Clark

Her star rising as a Hollywood diva, Frances Farmer chooses to join the socialist Group Theatre in New York. This idealistic, raucous and non-conforming movie star, pursued by the government for her alleged communist connections, was finally incarcerated with the help of her mother at Steilacoom, a Seattle psychiatric hospital,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223660
Pub. Date: January 1 1996
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5625"
Drama / DRA019000

Front Cover
Sainte-Carmen of the Main
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by John Van Burek

In Sainte-Carmen of the Main, Carmen—a character who appeared previously in Forever Yours, Marie-Lou—returns to the Rodéo from Nashville, where she has been sent to “improve her technique” in yodelling. But not only does she improve her technique, she also begins to write her own songs whose lyrics speak directly…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221819
Pub. Date: January 1 1981
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.25"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Sainte-Marie among the Hurons
By James W. Nichol

Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons is James W. Nichol’s play concerning the disastrous mission that the Jesuits made to the Huron Indians in the 17th century. The play is about the conscience of a priest who refuses to accept salvation of his soul through the destruction of a proud people.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221475
Pub. Date: January 1 1980
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.25"
Drama / HIS006010

Front Cover
Salonica Terminus
By Fred A. Reed

A vivid, contemporary travelogue, Salonica Terminus explores a current landscape thronged with figures bent beneath the weight of history. It peers beneath the rotting logs of ideology, and prods the decomposing hulks of historical corpses that litter this region of dark mountains and misty valleys. Through its pages lurch extremists,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223684
Pub. Date: January 1 1996
Dimensions: 8.4375" x 6.5625" x 0.6875"
Non-Fiction / POL060000

Front Cover
Salt-Water Moon
By David French

Winner 1985 Dora Mavor Moore Award (Outstanding New Play)

Winner 1985 The Floyd S. Chalmers Canadian Play Award

Winner Canadian Authors Association Literary Award

Winner Hollywood Drama-Logue Critics Award and ACTRA Award

It’s a splendid moon-filled night at Coley’s Point in August, 1926. Eighteen-year-old Jacob Mercer has returned from Toronto to the tiny Newfoundland outport, hoping to win back his former sweetheart, Mary Snow. But Mary has become engaged to wealthy Jerome McKenzie, and she is still hurt and bewildered by Jacob’s…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222571
Pub. Date: January 1 1988
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Fiction / FIC027200

Front Cover
Same Diff
By Donato Mancini

Short-listed 2018 Griffin Poetry Prize

Same Diff by Donato Mancini meets at the intersection of contemporary poetry, art, and current politics. Influenced by documentary cinema such as the films of Frederic Wiseman, Dada poets, montage techniques, and a range of modern poets, Same Diff explores the way social and economic histories become imprinted within language…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772011364
Pub. Date: May 9 2017
Dimensions: 7.5" x 6" x 0.4375"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Saucy Jack 2nd Edition
By Sharon Pollock

One of the most intriguing theories about the identity of the infamous London murderer, Jack the Ripper, is that he hid behind the skirts of respectability, social position, and perhaps, even royalty …In Saucy Jack, the author of Blood Relations and Doc, Sharon Pollock, implicates the most upper echelons of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772015287
Pub. Date: December 28 2022
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.1875"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
scars on th seehors
By bill bissett

scars on th seehors is bill bissett’s latest report from and to the image nation, in which his metric performs a kind of absence of narrative intent that lets everyone and everything speak for itself:eye dont have 2 invent th world ium / alredee in itThere is much evidence of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223875
Pub. Date: January 1 1999
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.4375"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Scattered in a Rising Wind
By Jean Marc Dalpé
Translated by Linda Gaboriau

In a small town apocalypse, the social order of things can no longer prevail against the larger forces brought to bear on its insular, traditional, incestuous community. Marcel, in a cleansing, destructive rage, sets his murderous sights on the powers that rule this world.Scattered in a Rising Wind records this…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224841
Pub. Date: September 15 2003
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Fiction / FIC019000

Front Cover
By Leanna Brodie

The time: 1938. The place: S.S. #1 Jericho School, a one-room schoolhouse in a farming area just outside the fictional village of Baker’s Creek. There, a delightful but unmanageable group of children finally meets its match—Melita Linton, an 18-year-old teacher fresh out of Normal School. But Miss Linton soon faces…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225718
Pub. Date: October 1 2007
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
By Fred Wah
Introduction by Jeff Derksen

Joint winner 2015 One of the best 75 books of (CBC Books)

Fred Wah’s career has spanned six decades and a range of formal styles and preoccupations. Scree collects Wah’s concrete and sound poetry of the 1960s, his landscape-centric work of the 1970s, and his ethnicity-oriented poems of the 1980s. Fred was a founding member of the avant-garde TISH group, which helped…

ISBN: 9780889229471
Pub. Date: November 9 2015
Dimensions: 9" x 5" x 1.625"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
By Fred Wah
Introduction by Jeff Derksen

Joint winner 2015 One of the best 75 books of (CBC Books)

Fred Wah’s career has spanned six decades and a range of formal styles and preoccupations. Scree collects Wah’s concrete and sound poetry of the 1960s, his landscape-centric work of the 1970s, and his ethnicity-oriented poems of the 1980s. Fred was a founding member of the avant-garde TISH group, which helped…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889229488
Pub. Date: November 8 2016
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1.5625"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Searching for Sam
By Sophie Bienvenu
Translated by Rhonda Mullins

One of Québec’s hottest writers gives an intimate portrayal of life on the streets ... and the importance of animal companionship.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012460
Pub. Date: May 28 2020
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Fiction / FIC067000

Front Cover
By Annabel Soutar

Seeds presents an intelligent portrait of farming and scientific communities in conflict. Part courtroom drama and part social satire, Seeds documents the 2004 Supreme Court of Canada showdown between Saskatchewan farmer Percy Schmeiser and biotech multinational Monsanto Inc. In question is the legitimacy of patenting genetically modified food crops. The…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889227019
Pub. Date: August 15 2012
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Selected Poems
By Phyllis Webb

Winner 1982 Governor General's Literary Award for Poetry

This volume includes work selected from each of Phyllis Webb’s books of poetry published prior to 1982, including: Trio, Even Your Right Eye, The Sea Is Also a Garden, Naked Poems, Selected Poems 1954-1965, Wilson’s Bowl, Sunday Water, Thirteen Anti Ghazals and Talking.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222021
Pub. Date: January 1 1982
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Selected Poems
By bill bissett

This volume represents the most definitive and comprehensive selection of bissett’s writing from the 1960s and 1970s, in voices “erotik, politikul, humorous, lyrikul, sound-vizual, narrative, meditative, konkreet, collage, nd song-chants.”

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221727
Pub. Date: January 1 1980
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Selected Poems
By Frank Davey

This volume includes work selected from six of Frank Davey’s books of poetry—Weeds, Four Myths for Sam Perry, Griffon, Arcana, King of Swords and The Clallam—as well as the manuscript edition of his War Poems.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221741
Pub. Date: January 1 1980
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.375"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Selected Writing
By bp Nichol

This volume includes work beginning with bpNichol’s visual poetry (progressing from the use of individual letters, to words, to distinct shapes on the page), moving through his sound poetry (in its written form) for one voice only, to poems which combine visual and traditional lyric qualities (leading to an excerpt…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221765
Pub. Date: January 1 1980
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Selected Writing
By Daphne Marlatt

This volume includes work from each of Daphne Marlatt’s earlier books of poetry: Frames of a Story, leaf leaf/s, Rings, Vancouver Poems, Steveston and Our Lives; from the forthcoming What Matters; the prose work Zócalo; magazine selections from Imago and The Capilano Review and unpublished work.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889221758
Pub. Date: January 1 1980
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Seven Sacred Truths
By Wanda John-Kehewin

Short-listed 2019 Indigenous Voices Award

Seven Sacred Truths presents a powerful exploration of an Indigenous woman’s healing journey. Seeing the world through “brown” eyes, poet Wanda John-Kehewin makes new meaning of the past, present, and future through a consideration of Love, Wisdom, Truth, Honesty, Respect, Humility, and Courage. By sharing her views on these Seven…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012132
Pub. Date: October 15 2018
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.375"
Poetry / POE024000

Front Cover
By Morris Panych

Music has long been considered beneficial in enhancing cognitive skills, and some have even suggested that music constitutes its own category of brain function; that it is, in fact, a separate and distinct type of thought. As is sex, which can produce, aside from children, complete dysfunction, confused mental activity…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889229846
Pub. Date: April 8 2016
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.75"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Shadow Catch
By Daphne Marlatt

Noh-influenced libretto by renowned Canadian poet Daphne MarlattThe Noh-influenced libretto of Shadow Catch recounts the dreams – or are they dreams? – of the Runaway, a teenage boy who ends up one night in Oppenheimer Park in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Here four troubled spirits from the park’s past appear to…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772015225
Pub. Date: May 24 2023
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Poetry / POE024000

Front Cover
Shattered Images
By Fred A. Reed

Fred A. Reed’s fifth book on the Middle East and “the wars of the Ottoman succession” traces the roots of Islamic fundamentalism, as currently enacted by Hezbollah and other Islamic fundamentalist organizations, to the iconoclasts of sixth- and seventh-century Damascus.The emergence of Iconoclasm, as sudden and overwhelming as it was…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224858
Pub. Date: September 15 2003
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.75"
Non-Fiction / REL037010

Front Cover
Shinny's Girls and Other Stories
By Mary Burns

While Mary Burns is a writer of exceptional talent in the “social-realism” school, Shinny’s Girls is a collection of stories which are more than just a “good read.” All of the stories in this collection are about mothers and daughters, written from a sensitive and perceptive “post-feminist” point of view,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222724
Pub. Date: January 1 1989
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Fiction / FIC044000

Front Cover
Signs of Literature
By Kenneth James Hughes

This language primer begins with a suitably esoteric-looking chapter called "The Language of Time." It isn’t until the second paragraph that the unsuspecting reader realizes Hughes is talking about the language of Time magazine, which he analyzes as a piece of fiction. Indeed, for Hughes, there is no such thing…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222366
Pub. Date: January 1 1986
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / LAN005000

Front Cover
By Chantal Bilodeau
Introduction by Megan Sandberg-Zakian

In Inuit mythology, “sila” means air, climate, or breath. Bilodeau’s play of the same name examines the competing interests shaping the future of the Canadian Arctic and local Inuit population. Equal parts Inuit myth and contemporary Arctic policy, the play Sila features puppetry, spoken word poetry, and three different languages…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889229563
Pub. Date: October 1 2015
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Silver Dagger
By David French

Steve Marsh is a mystery writer, the protagonist of David French’s gripping thriller, Silver Dagger. Soon after his third novel is published, Marsh’s wife receives a series of phone calls and letters that threaten to destroy their marriage. Adultery, blackmail, murder, a figure lurking in the rain. All these classic…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223257
Pub. Date: January 1 1993
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Fiction / FIC022000

Front Cover
Singed Wings
By Lola Lemire Tostevin

Working for decades in English and French in poetry, novels, and translations that investigate the relationship between language and female subjectivity, Lola Lemire Tostevin has hewn her own unique and intensely aesthetic path across the national literary landscape, earning her the reputation as one of Canada’s leading feminist writers.Tostevin’s latest…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889227903
Pub. Date: September 15 2013
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Sir John A.
By Drew Hayden Taylor

An uproariously funny and sharply inquisitive new play from one of Canada’s leading Indigenous playwrights, Sir John A: Acts of a Gentrified Ojibway Rebellion explores the possibility of reconciliation between Peoples and urgently questions past and contemporary forms of Canadian colonialism. Taylor’s twenty-seventh play, Sir John A’s characters include Canada’s…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012149
Pub. Date: August 10 2018
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
By Wendy Lill

Winner 1992 Gemini Award

Winner 1992 Newfoundland and Labrador Drama Festival, Labatt's Play Award

Sisters is a tough, uncompromising look at a convent-run Native residential school. While the play chronicles in graphic detail the by now well documented agenda of cultural genocide which motivated the establishment of Native residential schools in Canada, the daring triumph of this play is that it reveals the far…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222892
Pub. Date: January 1 1991
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.25"
Drama / DRA020000

Front Cover
Six Plays by Mavor Moore
By Mavor Moore

Here is a collection intended to showcase Mavor Moore’s dramatic talent—these are theatre pieces stripped to the bare essentials of character sketches in quick, subtle lines; dramatic conflict, development and resolution with a minimum of props; and an emphasis on the performer’s resources as an actor, rather than the externals…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222717
Pub. Date: January 1 1989
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Drama / LCO006000

Front Cover
By Kevin Kerr

Skydive explores the world of dreams and imagination: the universal human desire to push beyond our physical limitations and to fly.Having grown apart after a traumatic and defining moment in their youth, two brothers reconnect to fulfill a life-long ambition to go skydiving. Morgan (a feckless schemer who has recently…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226388
Pub. Date: April 15 2010
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.25"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Slick Reckoning
By Ken Belford

In these thoughtful, yet playful poems, Belford builds a poetry experience for the curious reader can open anywhere, read, and read on.Although the phrasing of his lines is unusual, Ken Belford’s poetry is not easily forgotten. His poetry collections, like this one, his slick reckoning, are experiences the curious reader…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889229785
Pub. Date: October 3 2016
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Slow Scrape
By Tanya Lukin Linklater

Slow Scrape brilliantly enacts a poetics of relation and action to counter the settler colonial violences of erasure, extraction, and dispossession. Drawing on documentary poetics, concrete-based installations, event scores, and other texts, the book cites memory, Cree and Alutiiq languages, and embodiment as modes of relational being and knowing. In…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772015249
Pub. Date: December 22 2022
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.75"
Poetry / POE015000

Front Cover
Soldier's Heart
By David French

David French’s award-winning and ongoing dramatic cycle about the Mercer family, both in their native Newfoundland and later, as participants in the great outport clearances, relocated in Toronto, has become a defining part of Canada’s theatrical history.Set in Toronto, the first play, Leaving Home (1972), introduced the family saga’s key…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224636
Pub. Date: March 15 2002
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.25"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Some Night My Prince Will Come
By Michel Tremblay
Translated by Sheila Fischman

An evening at the opera spills out onto the street and into an odyssey through Montreal by night. The narrator, both innocent and cynical, rushes headlong down what appears to be the road to ruin—or perhaps merely to the loss of his virginity. We follow him from a café called…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225107
Pub. Date: September 15 2004
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Fiction / FIC019000

Front Cover
Some People Fall in the Lodge and Then Eat Berries All Winter
By annie ross

In a time of floods, fires, plagues, and famines, nothing could be more pertinent than the work of Maya/Irish writer and artist annie ross. Some People Fall in the Lodge and Eat Berries All Winter, her follow-up to Pots and Other Living Beings,gives voice to the pain of living “where…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772014396
Pub. Date: October 27 2022
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Somewhere Else
By George F. Walker

Somewhere Else contains George F. Walker’s own selection of his early plays which matter; which for him have stood the test of time; which represent, as he once said, his “classical veneer.” In them he honed his considerable and unique dramatic talent along “that fine line between the serious and…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224025
Pub. Date: January 1 1999
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5625"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Song & Dread
By Otoniya J. Okot Bitek

COVID meditations from literary phenom Otoniya J. Okot BitekRife with the paradoxical forces of boredom and intensity, the early days of COVID-19 passed under an inescapable pall. The poems of Song & Dread seek quietude, order, refuge, and space within that shroud. They remind us of community, connectedness, and what…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772015164
Pub. Date: May 17 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE024000

Front Cover
Song of the Say-Sayer
By Daniel Danis
Translated by Linda Gaboriau

During a thunderstorm, lightning strikes the home of the Lastings, killing the parents and forever bonding the children, even though Rock, William, Fred-James and Naomi are not blood-related. Years later, still haunted by their terrible childhood memory, the three older brothers await the return of their beloved sister who has…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224193
Pub. Date: January 1 1999
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Songs My Mother Taught Me
By Audrey Thomas

Republished with a new introduction, this is Audrey Thomas’s classic coming-of-age novel about madness, loneliness, despair and escape.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223295
Pub. Date: January 1 1993
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.6875"
Fiction / FIC090000

Front Cover
Speaking through the Night
By Wajdi Mouawad & Linda Gaboriau

Isolating in Nogent-sur-Marne, Wajdi Mouawad embarks upon a spectacular inner voyage, travelling from his own microcosm to the eye of the Big Bang. We follow him from Peter Handke’s office to his father’s retirement home, from the banks of the Saint Lawrence to Montréal, Greece, Greenland, and the Lebanon of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772015393
Pub. Date: February 20 2024
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5625"
Non-Fiction / PHI035000

Front Cover
By Michael McClure
Foreword by Paul E. Nelson

Widely noted for the popularity of his dynamic performances, Michael McClure has been celebrated since his first poetry event. At twenty-two years old, in San Francisco’s legendary Six Gallery, McClure, Gary Snyder and Allen Ginsberg gave their first poetry reading—Ginsberg read “Howl” that night. McClure’s writing followed his deepening environmental…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226883
Pub. Date: April 15 2012
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.25"
Poetry / POE000000

Front Cover
Spectacle of Empire
By Jerry Wasserman

2006 marked the 400th anniversary of a major theatrical event in the history of North American drama. The Theatre of Neptune in New France by lawyer, poet and historian Marc Lescarbot was a masque of welcome performed on the Bay of Fundy by members of the tiny French colony of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225473
Pub. Date: September 1 2006
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Drama / DRA000000

Front Cover
Spells, Wishes, and the Talking Dead
By Wanda John-Kehewin

A brilliant collection weaving history, personal experience, and Indigenous resilienceSpells, Wishes, and the Talking Dead: ᒪᒪᐦᑖᐃᐧᓯᐃᐧᐣ ᐸᑯᓭᔨᒧᐤ ᓂᑭᐦᒋ ᐋᓂᐢᑯᑖᐹᐣ mamahtâwisiwin, pakosêyimow, nikihci-âniskotâpân is a wonder. With inspiring defiance, John-Kehewin plays with form, space, and language, demonstrating which magics cannot be suppressed. Here is an unflinching look at colonialism’s sickening trail:…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772015126
Pub. Date: May 31 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE024000

Front Cover
Standing in a River of Time
By Jónína Kirton

Standing in a River of Time merges poetry and lyrical memoir on a journey exposing the intergenerational effects of colonization on a Métis family. Kirton does not shy away from hard realities, meeting them head on, but always treating them with respect and the love stemming from a lifetime of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772013795
Pub. Date: March 9 2022
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.6875"
Poetry / POE011010

Front Cover
Sticks & Stones
By George Bowering
Preface by Robert Creeley
Drawings by Gordon Payne

The publication of Sticks & Stones, George Bowering’s first book of poems, has been one of Canada’s great literary mysteries for almost three decades. Rumoured to have been published by the Rattlesnake Press in 1962, yet only ever found in the darkened vaults of secretive bibliophiles in the form of…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889222687
Pub. Date: January 1 1989
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.25"
Poetry / LIT004080

Front Cover
By Scott Jackshaw

Stigmata is about bodies caught in the crosscurrents of sexual deviancy and religion. Its poems are ruinous encounters between traumatic and historical memory; they transfigure the cult of the wound into a mystic frenzy of sex, grief, and noise. Stigmata draws inspiration from a broad archive of texts and practices:…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772016918
Pub. Date: September 16 2025
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
By A Jamali Rad

still is a book of poems about alienated interiority, a self-withdrawn, hidden presence: affective and extractive capitalism, surveillance and commodification of behaviour, non-participation, withdrawn complicity, paralysis in time of crisis, what non-doing does.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012859
Pub. Date: March 29 2021
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Poetry / POE024000

Front Cover
Still Laughing
By Morris Panych
Introduction by Jerry Wasserman

The universal mark of good satire is still to make audiences laugh at the worst traits in human nature. Here, in his own words, is how Morris Panych updated these three great comedy classics from a century ago: The Government Inspector is peopled with the most duplicitous, under-handed and shifty…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226241
Pub. Date: January 31 2010
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.75"
Drama / DRA000000

Front Cover
Still • Falling and The Code
By Rachel Aberle

Two young-adult plays exploring anxiety and depression, the complexities of gender dynamics, bullying, and the challenges that arise when the lines between friendship and romance are blurred.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772013993
Pub. Date: February 28 2022
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Drama / PER020000

Front Cover
Strange Comfort
By Sherrill Grace
Preface by Richard J. Lane

Strange Comfort collects the best of Sherrill Grace’s many published essays on the novelist and writer Malcolm Lowry, along with new pieces that incorporate her contemporary approach to his work. There are essays on Under the Volcano, on some of the stories in Hear us O Lord from heaven thy…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226180
Pub. Date: December 1 2009
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Non-Fiction / LIT004080

Front Cover
Studies in Description
By Carl Peters

Difficult writing has its way of illuminating the part of the world that counts. One such difficult text is Gertrude Stein’s highly experimental Tender Buttons: objects, food, rooms – long considered the single most groundbreaking literary work of twentieth-century art, literary criticism, and art history. One hundred years since publication,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889229617
Pub. Date: April 12 2016
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / LIT014000

Front Cover
Studies in Motion
By Kevin Kerr

Photographer Eadweard Muybridge’s life was filled with the events of Victorian melodrama: adultery, jealousy, betrayal, murder, and an abandoned child. Tried for the murder of his wife’s lover, he was acquitted on the grounds of justifiable homicide. However, these events, which predate his subsequent obsession with stopping time and freezing…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889228108
Pub. Date: January 12 2014
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
Subject to Change
By Renee Rodin

Composed of stories that sketch the resonant heights and depths of an auto- biography, Subject to Change is a series of portraits along the road of a life well lived. Each story is an articulate, intelligent, passionate record of how an encounter with a significant “other,” be it a parent,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889226449
Pub. Date: October 1 2010
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Non-Fiction / BIO001000

Front Cover
By bill bissett

sublingual is perhaps the most highly structured yet of bissett’s “textual visions.” Its first seven poems construct a Genesis, beginning with a poem of birth—our pre- or sub-lingual first breath, a phenomenological gesture of recognition, of both being and belonging, in and of the world. Following this short creation story,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889225893
Pub. Date: January 11 2008
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE011000

Front Cover
Suburban Motel
By George F. Walker
Introduction by Daniel De Raey

Something completely different from George Walker! Six plays, united only by the fact that they each take place in one and the same suburban motel room. Transients, lovers, the haunted and the hunted, the desperate and the dumb, each “strut and fret their hour upon the stage and then are…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889224124
Pub. Date: January 1 1999
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.8125"
Drama / DRA013000

Front Cover
By George Ryga
Edited by Ann Kujundzic

Summerland completes the publication project Talonbooks began in 1990, with the publication of The Athabasca Ryga, a collection of Ryga’s early writings from his Alberta years until 1963. The 1960s, after the Rygas moved to Summerland, British Columbia, were a period of growing artistic strength and commercial success for Ryga,…

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780889223134
Pub. Date: January 1 1992
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 1.125"
Fiction / BIO007000

Front Cover
By Simon Brousseau
Translated by Pablo Strauss

Simon Brousseau’s beautifully crafted literary snapshots, each written in a single, stylistically accomplished sentence and featuring a different character, will linger with readers.

Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9781772012231
Pub. Date: May 15 2019
Dimensions: 8" x 5" x 0.3125"
Fiction / FIC048000