The Toronto Research Group was an eighteen-year collaboration and friendship between the late bpNichol and Steve McCaffery. In addition to reports on translation; the book-as-machine; and the search for non-narrative prose; this collection includes an informative introduction by McCaffery; a report on performance; ‘Reading and Writing: The Toronto Research Game’;…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
February 15 1992
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Non-Fiction / LAN005000
Traces the process of creating theatrical "success” and investigates how the politics involved influence what we perceive as "good” playwriting.
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
April 2 2007
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.625"
Non-Fiction / POL011000
Reading Sveva is award-winning author Daphne Marlatt’s response to the life and paintings of Sveva Caetani, an Italian émigré who grew up in Vernon, B.C.Daughter of an Italian prince, leftist, and scholar of Islam, Sveva grew up with the multilingual and highly cultured European traditions of her parents who moved…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
September 16 2016
Dimensions: 9.75" x 6" x 0.5"
Poetry / POE011000
In Real Mothers, a collection of short stories, Audrey Thomas journeys to France, Greece and Africa; she also writes about Galiano Island, B.C., where she lived while these stories were taking shape. Real Mothers concerns itself with women who, in one way or another, are mothers; with mothers and daughters;…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
January 1 1981
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Fiction / FIC044000
Sachiko Murakami approaches the urban centre through its inhabitants' greatest passion: real estate. Rebuild engraves itself on the absence of Vancouver's centre, with its cranes, excavation sites, and bulldozed public spaces. Its poems crumble as the page turns, words flaking from the line like rain-damaged stucco off a leaky condominium,…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
October 11 2011
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Poetry / POE011000
Out for a walk in their Vancouver neighbourhood, interracial couple Mike and Marissa meet a dog with an unfortunate breed name: Redbone coonhound. This detail unleashes a cascading debate between them about race and their relationship that manifests as a series of micro-plays, each satirizing contemporary perspectives on modern culture.…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
July 2 2024
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5"
Drama / PER015000
Private Jonathan Woodrow is a young Indigenous soldier fighting on the Western Front during World War I. Thanks to his experience in hunting and wilderness survival, he quickly becomes one of the 1st Canadian Division’s most feared trench raiders. But as the war and the fighting stretch on with no end in sight, Woodrow begins to realize that he will never go
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
March 15 2019
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.5"
Drama / HIS006020
The collected longer poems of brilliant Canadian poet Sharon ThesenRefabulations collects and reanimates the longer and serial poems from Sharon Thesen’s œuvre, from her first book in 1980 to today. It is a record of a life in language, created by a dexterous and renegade poet whose mind is ever…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
March 14 2023
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 1"
Poetry / POE023040
It has been some time since Luc, a 32-year-old actor and Jean-Marc, a 38-year-old French teacher, have seen each other, but the wounds from their seven year love affair are only partially healed. Each of them has current worries as well: Jean-Marc, apparently secure and well off, is tired of…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
January 1 1984
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.25"
Fiction / FIC027190
In 1776, at the age of sixty-four, an embittered Jean-Jacques Rousseau took to rambling. Feeling rejected, neglected, and condemned, he turned his back on the society in which he had never managed to feel at ease, and found peace in wandering the fields outside Paris, noting interesting flora and fauna,…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
September 7 2017
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.3125"
Poetry / POE011000
Revolutions sifts through the grains of Muslim daughterhood to reveal two metaphorical circles inextricably overlapping: shame and pleasure. In an extended conversation with Mona Hatoum’s artwork + and –, Revolutions asks how young Arab women – who live in homes and communities where actions are surveilled and categorized as 3aib…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
March 18 2025
Dimensions: 9" x 6" x 0.3125"
Poetry / POE013000
At the crossroads that lead to the end of childhood, Nana faces the hectic passage of her adolescence and the new responsibilities that fall on her shoulders when her grandmother Josephine approaches death. In parallel, Nina’s rebellious mother Maria, back in Montreal, languishes, torn between conflicting desires.
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
December 1 2019
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.5625"
Fiction / FIC045000
Short-listed 2014 2014 ReLit Awards, novel category
In Rogue Cells, Oober Mann emerges from his cryobed on high alert in New Haudenosaunee, a nation at war with the mysterious territory Nutella during a critical election year. Citizens here live in dread of celebrities who carry out terrorist actions in defence of their own fundamentalist belief systems, including…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
October 15 2013
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 1"
Fiction / FIC028010
Commended 2015 Alcuin Awards for Book Design in Canada
Short-listed 2015 Alcuin Awards for Book Design in Canada 2015, Poetry (Honourable mention)
At precisely the cultural moment you were hoping for, a dream team of smart, sexy, brunette, West Coast poets of Italian descent has passionately co-authored an intelligent collection of poetry that both celebrates and capsizes the romantic comedy.From the origin of the genre (It Happened One Night) to its contemporary…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
October 15 2015
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5" x 0.4375"
Poetry / POE011000
Rose is the eagerly awaited third installment in Tomson Highway’s “rez” cycle—a large-cast musical set on the Wasaychigan Hill Reserve in 1992, reintroducing many of the characters from the first two plays, The Rez Sisters and Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing.The play features, as the title suggests, Roses. One…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
September 15 2003
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4375"
Drama / DRA013000
Short-listed 2017 ReLit Award for a Novel
When the electricity inexplicably goes out nationwide, the mundanities of life gradually shift to the rigours of survival. In this post-apocalyptic setting, an unnamed mechanic jumps into his beat-up car and drives east, journeying 4,736 kilometres to reach his dying father.As the narrator’s journey becomes one of essentials – gasoline,…
Paperback / softback
Pub. Date:
June 25 2016
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.625"
Fiction / FIC019000